Cool Gear: The Hoodman Loupe Rocks!


That wonderful LCD screen on the back of your camera is just about useless if you’re shooting outdoors in daylight. Last week during my first location shoot in Santa Fe, I would take a shot, look at the LCD and just laugh because it was so washed out with sunlight you really couldn’t see if there was a photo there or not.

On Friday’s shoot (at Pecos National Historical Park), I remembered that I had been traveling (for the past month or so), with a Hoodman Loupe in my bag, but I had never tried it (since I hadn’t tried it, I kept forgetting I had it). It works like a regular loupe (it hangs from a cord around your neck), but out in the field (in the daylight), you put it over your LCD, and it covers the entire screen; blocking out the light so you can see your screen perfectly. It worked WAY better than than I expected and everybody in my class who tried it out fell in love with it, so I thought I’d pass on my experience with it. (By the way, the Loupe itself is about the same size as a normal loupe and it’s very lightweight–you forget you’re even wearing it).

So, now that I’m sold on it, I have a new philosophy; either I take this Hoodman Loupe with me outdoors, or I turn off my LCD altogether and save the battery life. Here’s the link to their site for more info. Kudos to the people at Hoodman for coming up with such a clever gadget.

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