Matt’s back from wandering around Europe, and we’ll be broadcasting live later today (and sharing your comments live during the show).
When: Today at 12:30 PM EDT
Rebroadcasts: Start Tuesday morning. Same address, or on iTunes
Share Your Comments: Send comments via by adding the hashtag #thegridlive
Follow us: on Twitter @thegridlive (we’ll be drawing for prizes)
If you miss the live broadcast, you can watch the rebroadcast of the show starting Tuesday on the site or on your iPad/iPhone/iPodtouch via Apple’s iTunes (and you can subscribe for free, so you don’t miss any episodes). Here’s the iTunes link.
We’ll have some cool giveaways, and a special guest as well, so I hope to see you there! :-)
I’ll be there!
See you there!
These past two episodes have been great :)
– Brandon
Looking forward to it!
Reserve a seat for me, as well. Both shows have been great, so far! Maybe Matt brought back some wine and brie for you guys to snack on during the broadcast.
You guys are really cute and all and the intro has some really snazzy graphics
the video adds nothing but bloat to this show that should be an audio podcast. Having it be a video means that I can’t load it on my old iPod and take it with me. :-(
Hey NL Schober. We’re working on it. :)
Unfortunately stuck at work w/o internet during the show, but I’ll catch it later on. Too good to miss!
Great stuff Scott- It’d be awesome to work with you sometime!
I have an Android phone. Anything in the works for us Droids to watch on our phones?
Left some suggestions on the KelbyTV feedback page (which, by the way, doesn’t list “The Grid” yet; sent my comments to Photoshop User TV instead).
Seems like “beta”/work-in-progress still. I hope you continue to improve it.
It would be nice if you could do something about the audio in your new studio. Always sounds like you guys are in a warehouse/cave now.
A little late in playing catch-up – have just watched episode 2. Why is this not an audio podcast? Can see little gain in the video format although it was good to see what Jeff Revell and Scott Bourne looked like. RC brought a sobriety to the proceedings which was most welcomed and I’m sure it was not intentional to miss off Scott Bourne from your thanks at show end. No request for his contact handles, either. He and Jeff appeared to play little part in the overall show and there was a lot of Scott Kelby. Scott Bourne’s podcast is an education in balanced presentation. I wont stop listening, there are always nuggets somewhere, perhaps I just wont bother to look.
I know that “you get what you pay for,” but the podcast feed on iTunes still has not updated to include episode three. You almost certainly know this, but in case not everyone is having this problem, I thought I’d mention it here.
Thanks for the podcast.
I was hoping the third show would be better than the first, however it was not to be. Some 12 minutes elaspsed before you talked about your first topic on Microstock. I didn’t learn much new there. It seemed like you guys were trying to justify it… despite what it has done to pro-photographers incomes, and the rights-managed stock industry in general.
Far too much bantering and mindless chatter, including talk of teleprompters not working. Get to the point guys! Make a script and keep it tight.
And like Daniel above writes, the audio is the pits. Those mics are fine for a properly dampened and acoustically treated radio studio, but not the large room you are in. Sony directional lavalier lapel mics, like news anchors use, would be a better choice, especially for Scott as he bobs and weaves, which currently results in uneven audio.
And the lip sync was off with the chap who was wearing headphones. Why was he not interviewed in the studio? It looked like some kind of remote using skype.
Consider some serious sound proofing on the studio walls, plus movable baffles and bass traps to cut down the hollow, cavernous sound. Visit a proper TV studio to see what I mean.
A last suggestion – hire a floor director, so you guys know which camera to look into.
Sorry guys… after 15 minutes I bailed, a second time. Your books are great, and Photoshop User TV is good, however the Grid needs improvement. Hope you work out the kinks.
You guys are great but not sure live is the best format. There is a lot of bloat. Half the show must be chuckles and throw-away lines. Content is really sparse. I watched every d-town episode and read your blog every day. But The Grid is too long and seems to lack structure and focus.