If you missed last week’s episode of “The Grid,” ( our live weekly show about photography) with the super awesome Kalebra as my in-studio guest — we opened the show by announcing the artist whose work will open “The Gallery at KelbyOne” (a beautiful new photographic art gallery at the KelbyOne headquarters in Florida).
The winner is: photographer and Art Director, Mark Wegner from Sonoma County, California
We were really taken with both Mark’s B&W and his color work, and the strong graphic aesthetic he brings to his compositions.
I did a full Q&A about this on-going project a few weeks back here on the blog when we opened submissions for the gallery showing to KelbyOne members. If you’ve got a moment, I think you’ll enjoying reading how the idea came about and why we’re hosting this gallery. It’s something we’re very excited about, and very proud of, and once you read about it, we hope you will be, too.
We’re working out the exact date of Mark’s opening now, and as soon as we have that nailed down, I’ll share it here on the blog (and we’ll be inviting members to join us for the opening night’s reception, and live interview with Mark in the theater).
Our hearty congratulations to Mark, and thanks to everyone who took the time to enter. We’ll be opening submissions to find our next featured artist in the gallery very soon, so stayed tuned.
Blind Photo Critiques Tomorrow on “The Grid!”
Plus, tomorrow we reveal our all-new “underground hacker” set for the show with all new graphics and a new look, new intro music, heck — new everything! (Note: we did 269 episodes — just short of six years, on that old set, which debuted live on March 7, 2011 ); My guest tomorrow is Rick Sammon and we’re doing our monthly “Blind Photo Critiques” episode, so if you’d like to have your work considered for blind critique, here’s the link to submit your images. Good luck, and see you tomorrow at 4pm ET at kelbytv.com/thegrid
I love the opening image. However, I can’t figure out an easy way to copy what you or he did regarding the double-reverse drop shadow that makes it appear that both bottom corners are casting opposite shadows (simulating either lights off to either side or the paper is curling). Could we get a video on that sometime soon.
Unbelievably high standard of portfolio & website…. wow…. I can either aspire to that or sell my gear! A very, very well deserved win. If each winner hits this standard we’ll never need to visit 500px again. Thank you
Best B&W I’ve seen!!