I absolutely LOVE to learn new stuff, and if I get a chance to sit in another photographer’s class, or spend a day in their workshop, I jump at the chance. Here are five (in no particular order) that are coming up that I would really love to attend (and I’m hoping to get to at least a few of these as a student myself).
(1) Frank Doorhof’s Ultimate Workshop Weekend
I remember the first time I saw Frank teach in person. I caught his first class, and then went back three more times, taking notes every time. Frank is one of the people I’ve learned the most from about fashion lightning, and I continue to learn from him every time I get in front of him (that’s me with Frank above). He’s coming to NYC (he lives in the Netherlands) for a three-day intensive Fashion/model photography workshop with a small group of very lucky students. I’m hoping to be one of them. Here’s the link with all the details.
Peter is one of the all-time greats of sports photography (he has over 100 covers of Sports Illustrated magazine, just for starters), and he’s doing a hands-on workshop in Atlanta on Oct. 6-11th. I got to attend part of his workshop last time they were in Atlanta, and it was absolutely phenomenal!!! Highly recommended! By the way, the class is mostly about action sports, but working sports photographers wind up doing a lot of portraits of athletes, and he covers that as well, as seen above. (Sign up while he’s still got seats): http://kel.by/1qqC5tv
(3) Lindsay Adler’s Beauty & Fashion Workshop
Every time we have Lindsay on “The Grid” as our guest, or she comes down to tape an online class for KelbyOne, I learn something new. Yes, she does teach lighting, and posing, and all the stuff you’d expect, but her insights in the business of being a beauty/fashion photographer are worth their weight in gold, too! She’s got a seminar, and a hands-on weekend workshop coming up in Vancouver, Canada starting Friday, October 17th, 2014 (the hands-on portion goes through the weekend). I’ve been in Lindsay’s audience at a talk she did for our conference and she was absolutely fantastic, but I’ve never had a chance to take her full workshop. If only they would let me into Canada (long story). Here’s the link — it’ll be amazing.
(4) Rick Sammon’s Provence, France photography workshop
Provence has been at the top of my list of places to go for years â” almost got the chance this year but then I had a scheduling conflict and couldn’t go. Broke my heart. Also, I’ve always wanted to take one of Rick’s workshops, because he’s not only a great teacher, but a really great person, and I imagine a workshop filled with fun, laughter, and lots of pictures. So although I’ve missed the opportunity to visit Prevance, and I’ve missed Rick’s workshops, this might be my chance. Plenty of time to plan â” it’s next June. Here’s just in the planning stages, but if you’re thinking (like I am) that Provence in June with Rick might be just amazing, here’s the link.
(5) Joe McNally’s “On Assignment: St. Lucia!” Workshop
If you can imagine how incredible a week with Joe McNally might be, shooting and learning from literally one of the world’s best, in an exotic island location, in literally one of the world’s top-rated resorts (ANSE CHASTANET and JADE MOUNTAIN) then this can be that bucket-list workshop you’ve always dreamed of. I was fortunate enough to be Joe’s guest instructor twice down in St. Lucia, and it is truly an experience you’ll never forget. The resort is just beyond words. The locations where you’ll shoot? Amazing. And the shoots Joe sets up for the class are just astounding. And if all that weren’t enough, our own RC Concepcion is the guest instructor teaching you his Lightroom workflow and his Photoshop techniques. It’s this September 14 – 19, 2014 — you’ll learn small flash, how to use it like a pro, and work fast with the minimum of gear. You will lose your mind!!! It’s a very small group, and once it’s full, it’s full so save your spot right now. Here’s the link with more details.
Well, that’s my dreaming for this Monday. Hope to have some cool news to share with here tomorrow (and a short video), so I’ll hope you’ll stop by then.
Sounds like it’s time for the mother of all contests :)
Agreed… I know I’d part with at least 1 portion of the nether-reigion for Peter’s Sports Camp.
That class with Peter and yourself going through images and just yakking away was certainly one of the best on KelbyOne’s site.
What a cool bunch of classes! I’m going to see Joe McNally next week in Boston for his KelbyOne Live tour, and I’m super pumped to learn from him. The view outside won’t be quite as nice as St. Lucia, though. I’ll just close my eyes and pretend. :-)
I’m hoping that video tomorrow is some BTS shots of your fashion shoot last Friday!
Joe’s lecture for that series is really great. Be sure to ask all of your questions as he gives a crazy amount of time to the audience and the whole day is over before you know it. His assistants are really great about answering questions too during the breaks. I am not sure which I love more… Joe’s personality or his creative work. He is a rare amalgam of wonder, ingenuity and straightforward talk… one of those people that, when you meet them, you feel the need to spill your heart but end up only stammering and looking at your feet.
you forgot to add…”comment to win a trip to any of these classes courtesy of KelbyOne” :)
Kidding. I’d die if I could go to St. Lucia for that class.
Provence would be a dream come true!! Would you recommend a workshop for someone who wants to learn more about taking children and family portraits?
These are all great choices! I would add Joel Grimes and Tom Bol’s workshops to that list.
I’m not sure I’d let go of any of my nether-regions, but heck to the yeah on this bucket list! & I totally concur, you need to make a contest for it ;0)
Great list. If I may be so bold… Valerie Jardin’s street photography workshops (http://valeriejardinphotography.com) would be a great addition to this list. I’ve had the pleasure of attending her Minneapolis and Chicago weekenders and they’re a great hands-on experience. I also attended her Normandy, France workshop and highly recommend it!
Is it me? The link to Peter Read Miller’s workshop seems to get an error. Who happens to be one of my all time favorites. Right along with Corey Barker…
Thank Scott. Hope you can join the photo fun. Pack your NEOS!
Ahhhh! Why aren’t we letting you into our beautiful, hockey-loving, poutine-eating country? (We are usually so polite!)
Hello Scot. You are doing a great job, keep going. Thanks