Friday News Nuggets

Howdy folks. I’m a bit under the weather (just a cold), so I’ll keep it short and sweet:

  • John Hubb, one of my readers, sent me this article from the UK’s Gaurdian newspaper called “Are photographers really a threat?” and it’s worth the quick read. (Here’s the link).
  • After I posted the NAPP discount on the Epson 1900, I saw a number of comments about the 1900 itself, and more specifically how it compared to the considerably more expensive Epson 3800. Lots of readers jumped in with some really great info (which is one of the things I love about this blog), but there was one thing I didn’t see anyone mention as a comparison, and that is; the 3800 makes up to 17″x22″ prints, whereas the 1900 only does up to 13″x19″ prints. Anyway, I hope that helps.
  • MD (another reader) sent this link to National Geographic’s online Photo tips. You can check them out right here.
  • Check out the video clip below, from USA Today’s Technology Writers Jefferson Graham, and Ed Baig, who host the technology podcast “USA Today Talking Tech.” They start this episode of their show with Ed asking Jefferson what the are first blogs he goes to each morning, and I’m incredibly honored that he included “The Photoshop Insider” among his first stops each day. Watch the video below to see their other favorite blogs picks (and more).

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

That’s it for this week folks. Lots to share next week! Have a really great weekend, have some fun shooting, keep intimidating those pixels, and we’ll see you back here on Monday. Ciao!

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