Howdy folks; here’s what goin’ on:
- I’m honored to announce that has launched a “Scott Kelby Boutique” page, (which is basically a one-stop-shop for finding my books–see above), but it also has something you might find helpful; I did a a series of short video clips to explain, in my own words, what each of my latest books is all about (the Vol. 2 book isn’t there yet, because it’s still on press). You can check it out right here.
- Photoshop User magazine columnist (and well known author and trainer), Sean Duggan will be teaching a”Digital Black and White” hands on workshop out at the Lepp Institute for Digital Imaging out in Los Osos, California on Feb 18 – 22nd, 2008. For the full scoop on his course (or to register—seating is VERY limited), click this link.
- Congratulations to Jefferson Graham and Ed Baig over at USA Today’s popular Talking Tech video podcast, as they just posted their 100th episode. The show is absolutely top notch, and if you haven’t caught it yet, it’s very slick (and the hosts are great). Check it out here.
- Here’s some more people posting their own reviews and before/after images from my “Photoshop Seven-Point System” book:
- Plus, the Epic Edits Weblog (link) included my blog in their “Great Photography Blogs and Feeds” list, and last but not least, Photography Bay did a one-year anniversary post, with lots of interesting insights into their first year, which includes something nice about me, so that almost guarantees them a mention, right? ;-) (link).
- The new Photoshop World Conference & Expo website is now live, and conference registration is now open for the event, which takes place in Orlando, FL on April 2-4, 2008. Here’s the link.
- If you want a quick laugh today, stop by Apple’s web site and watch the very cute ad on the home page. I will put a smile on your face for sure.
- Next week, I’ve got two more episodes of “Scott’s School of hard knocks” where I give you a behind-the-scenes look at how I did something horribly wrong on a shoot (remember the “forgot to reset from 1600 ISO” fiasco?) These are both worse, but hopefully they’ll help you avoid similar disasters (at least, I keep telling myself that as I share these embarrassing moments from the field).
Have a great weekend everybody. Take some great shots, and keep showing those pixels who’s boss!