It’s February—let’s try something completely different. Nah! Here’s what’s up:
- Big Electric Cat is Back! In an on-going effort to make absolutely certain I never sleep, my band “Big Electric Cat” (featuring Kalebra on vocals, Felix Nelson on Bass, Scott Stahley on Keyboards, me on Keyboards, and Tony Llanes on lead guitar), will be playing live in concert at the Photoshop World Conference & Expo attendee party, held this year at the new BB King’s Blues Club, in Orlando, Florida (that’s us above playing in Vegas last year—photos by David Ziser). Hope I’ll see you there!
- I saw the cover of Blender Magazine, over at the PDN Plus blog, and they pointed out something I think is both clever, and the reality of the digital retouching world we now live in. The cover has a photo of Brittney Spears wrapped in a bedsheet, but right there on the cover is a “Truthiness” disclaimer (I thought that “Truthiness” moniker was pretty cute), that says right there that the cover is a photo composite—it’s not Brittney’s body. Here’s the link to PDN Pulse blog’s story on it (with a shot of the cover).
- I just saw that Joe McNally’s The Moment it Clicks is now in-stock at both Barnes & Noble, and at (the incredible buzz about this book has made it the 137th bestselling book of ALL books on right now (I’m not talking 137 of all photography books, or all computer book—I’m talking ALL books)! How cool is that! (Here’ the link to it on, and Barnes &
If you’re in the New York area, B&H photo has put together something pretty cool; it’s a brand new high-tech classroom called “Event Space” at their NYC store and they’re bringing in experts to give free classes on everything from lighting, to Photoshop, to video editing, to infrared photography, to…(well, you get the idea). They also have techs from some of the big camera companies, and they’re doing demo sessions on their gear. Here’s a link to their class schedule.
Well, that’s it for today folks. Have a fantastic weekend, and don’t forget to take some shots, displace some maps, liquify some pixels, and reduce some noise.