Here’s what’s going on:
- Want to give you photos that Trendy Hollywood Look? Check out a video tutorial I did for Lexar over at their Pro Digital Photographers Website (click here). So far, they’ve posted “Part One” of the two-part series, and I’ll let you know when they post the second part. Also, check out all the Lexar pros by clicking here.
- There’s an interesting article over at The Sun (a British-based newspaper) about a retouch of a cover shot of actress Keira Knightley, and her comments about the retouch (where she’s nude, but mostly covered by props). The photo is really pretty mild, and there’s some mildly colorful language on the page as well (just so you know). Here’s the link.
- Our friend, and wedding photography overlord, David Ziser has launched a new blog for pro wedding and portrait photographers called “Digital Pro Talk” and I have to tell you—it rocks!!! David just came back from a trip to France, and although he primarily known as a master wedding photographer, his landscape and travel stuff is so great it really just makes you want to punch him out. ;-) Here’s the link to what I’m certain will be a must-see daily visit for me.
- Our man Corey Barker just released a new DVD called “Adobe Illustrator CS3 Down & Dirty Tricks” and it’s just amazing (he’s as good at Illustrator as he is at Photoshop)! It’s in-stock over at (don’t forget, NAPP members get a big discount on these DVDs).
That’s it for today. Have a great weekend everybody, and look for my field reports from this week’s Western Shooting Adventure, to start next week.