Here’s what’s up to take us into the weekend:
- Last Month, NAPP (The National Assn. of Photoshop Professionals) launched a new weekly news show (hosted by NAPP’s own Executive Director Larry Becker), with the latest scoop on new discounts, special deals for members, and much more (it’s pictured above). It’s already become hugely popular with members, and if you’re a NAPP member you can watch it right online on the NAPP member’s home page.
- Terry White has just released his 2nd annual Holiday Gadget Guide, and it’s just packed with the latest gadgets, electronics, video gear, and all kinds of cool stuff for the gadget freak in you. It’s very well thought out, and produced from top to bottom. This is a must-download (it’s a PDF). Here’s the link.
- I just checked and right now Barnes & has my new Photoshop 7-point System in-stock and it’s shipping now! Also, good news; a reader named George posted a comment yesterday regarding an email he got from telling him his pre-ordered 7-point-system had shipped! Here’s his post from yesterday.
- “I had pre-ordered from Amazon and got the same email as everyone else. I replied to the email, stating that I accepted the delay. I just got an email from Amazon saying that my order has shipped!! Since I'm a prime member I get free 2 day shipping. So, I'm very excited, hoping to get my book very soon. Oh, and by the way, since I had pre-ordered the book, I got a $1.50 discount on the book. Total is $28.49, shipping included.”
- I have incredible news: Last week I was totally humbled by the genorosity of a gentlemen who bought one of my fine art prints (from Digital Art &, and then donated $1,000 to the “Spings of Hope, Kenya” organization (where 100% of my proceeds from the sale are donated to help with in building a small clinic and orphanage in Keyna, or homeless and orphaned children). Well, I was blown away once again yesterday when I learned that another print had sold, and an additional $1,000 was donated by the woman who bought the print. I am just humbled, elated, and literally overjoyed by the generosity of these amazing people, who join me in helping in this small but impactful way.I talked with my friends at Spring of Hope Kenya yesterday and they were as blown away as I was. My sincere thanks and gratitude to everyone helping to support this group.
- There’s a detailed review (complete with before and after photos), from one of the first people to receive my Photoshop 7-Point-System book, over at Shrew’s Daily Shutters blog. Here’s the link.
I did a quick radio interview with my Publisher, Nancy Ruenzel over at Peachpit Press, and we discuss my new 7-point-system, and some other book projects I haven’t officially announced yet (well, I guess the cat will be out of the bag during this interview), and if you’ve got a couple of minutes, click right here to hear it online at
- One last thing: Moose Peterson was a guest on Photoshop User TV this week, and posted a cool photo (taken with the Nikon D3) of the set, between takes. Here’s the link.
That’s all for this week. Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend! :)