Friday Stuff is Back!

Calendar for friday on white background. Isolated 3D image

Yup, I just popped open another fresh can of wholesome Friday goodness. Here’s what’s inside:

10 Things That Will Do More For Your Photography…
I thought this short article was really well written, and there’s some great thought-provoking and inspiring stuff it in for the market we’re dealing with now. Well worth a stop by over at Lighting-Essentials.  (Here’s the link). Also, while you’re there, don’t miss his article: “You know that guy…I hate that guy. Am I somehow more successful now?” You will love it (or really, really, not. Gene, make sure you read this one!). Here’s the link .

Preparing Your Prints for Framing
I ran across a free PDF from Epson on how to prep your prints for framing. Some great info here (and it’s free). Here’s the link.

Are you comin’ to see me in Atlanta?
I hope so. I’m there on Friday, May 28th (just two weeks from now), with my “Photoshop for Photographers Tour” and I’m including some of the new CS5 stuff in my tour, so I hope you’ll make it by. It’s $99 for the full day ($79 for NAPP members), and includes my step-by-step workbook. You can sign up right here (seating is limited).

Jeff Revell in the Washington Examiner
My buddy Jeff Revell wound up getting interviewed in the Washington Examiner. If you’ve got a sec, go check ol’ Jeffy out (here’s the link).

Attention Drobo Users: Seagate 750GB Hard Drives for $39.99 each
If you’ve got a Drobo and want to add some extra storage on the cheap, TigerDirect has Seagate 750GB ATA internal drives that slide-right in to a Drobo for $39.99 each (after a $20 mail-in rebate). Amazing! A regular Drobo holds up to four of these, so if you’ve got one you can jump up to 3-terabytes for only $120. Insane! Here’s the link. (Right now I’m in the middle of moving all my archival backup for my photography to two Drobo S units, which have five drive bays each. This morning Terry told me had two-terabyte drives on sale for $90 each (of course, they’re already sold out), so you can have 10-terabytes of storage per Drobo unit for just $450. That’s sick! P.S. I can’t live without my Drobos). More about the Drobo S once the switch is complete. Here’s a link for info on the Drobo S in the meantime.

Free Photoshop CS5 Webinar at 3:00 pm Today for NAPP Members Only
If you’re a NAPP member, Matt Kloskowski and Dave Cross are hosting a free Photoshop CS5 Training Webinar called “The Best of Photoshop User’s Tips & Tricks” (This is different than our recent free public Webinars, because this is training rather than just demoing the new features). Plus, they’ll be answering your questions live as well. Just go to the NAPP member Website, and you’ll find the link to the free Webinar. It’s at 3:00 pm today so don’t miss it.

If you’re into Sports photography….
Check out my buddy Matt Lange’s blog, and his great story about his photo of the Saint’s Jeremy Shocky (that totally should have been an SI cover!). Great story, and a great shot (while you’re there, check out his MTV video clip, too.). Here’s the link.

Join Matt Kloskowski at Peachpit’s Photo Club
My DtownTV co-host (and all-around cool guy), Matt Kloskowski is this month’s special guest at Peachpit’s Photo Club, and he’ll be talking about his photography, Photoshop, and other cool stuff next Tuesday, the 18th. It’s free, and you can register right here.

Want to see some really cool stuff?
I just absolutely love this automotive HDR image by NAPP member Victor Caroli (it was chosen as “Image of the Week” over at NAPP). Here’s the link. Also, Larry Becker turned me on to the Photoshop retouching and illustration work T.C. de Hoyos, a Utah-based NAPP member. This guy has some really cool stuff, too (here’s the link).

That’s it for today, folks
It’s great to be back in the saddle again. I have lots of great stuff coming up soon, including a new “Photography Challenge” and hopefully I get to share some of it with you next week. Hope you all have a fun, relaxing, weekend. Hug the kids! :)

  1. Way to go Victor! Talk about impact…that image has more stopping power than any thing I’ve seen in a long time!

    Shiny….I’m talking SHINY! Can’t wait to try that myself…any tips on how you accomplished?


  2. I like “Stuff” :)

    Good list of “10 things that will…..” Nice random ideas like mailing a photographer that you admire. Not the kind of thing I’d usually do – but why the hell not.
    My photography is in a rut at the moment too.

  3. That image is awesome Victor!! I like the one photo HDR in cs5 (I have one of a race I went to on my blogsite). I am so glad your back Scott. If anyone sees any plug-in upgrades, how about posting a comment so we can get them. OnOne says that they will have one in about 3-4 weeks. NIK will work fine with 32 bit but the 64 bit upgrade is to come soon. I am still having trouble with Topaz plug-in crashing in cs5 (operating xp 32 bit with quadro cx card and it did same thing in cs4 after the new version came out). Does anyone else have this problem? Thanks for any feed back. PS…Love the 10 things…

  4. Hey Scott, I know you just got back from your trip and are super busy trying to catch up but is there any mention of a Photowalk this year? We had such a great time last summer and I wanted to make sure it fits in with my vacation plans this year! ;-) Anything you can share with us on a 2010 Photowalk possibility?

      1. If that were the case, I would have taken the opportunity to bask in it, instead of plugging the company I work for on the blog. I’m all about helping others Fordian. Karma.

  5. I think I still rather see Jeremy Shockey as a Giant – but that print looks good with a gold pen ;)

    Great Shockumentary – what a great honor that’d be to give someone a photo of their first touchdown.
    Glad Friday stuff is back!

  6. Hey Scott I know you are just getting back into the swing of things but any chance those “Weekend Deals” will start back up? Still loving the blog!

  7. Scott, the Seagate deal at won’t work for filling up your Drobo..

    Restrictions Apply. NOTICE: Limit (1) ONE rebate per person, billing address, company, or household.

    You’d need to get all your neighbors to order you one…lol.

  8. Scott,
    Since you have the adobe Lightroom connection I wanted to kindly ask for one thing we need in the next version. When shooting weddings in aperture priority (or any auto mode for that matter) it would be so great to be able to sync exposures. For example, in 10 images aperture set to f2.0 the shutter changed from 1/500 to 1/1000. If there was a way to change exposure on one image and then sync exposures using the meta data. The camera settings are below the histogram so I know this sounds like it could be an easy sync. For example, if I like the images that are 1/1000 and “exposure sync” them, the 1/500 images would automatically be as bright as the 1/1000 images. Hope this makes sense. Love your work and as I sit here processing my latest images I thought I should try and get a hold of the master and see if he has any insight or pull to incorporate this idea in a future product.

    1. > If there was a way to change exposure on one image and then sync exposures using the meta data.

      If I understand you, this is where Quick Develop may help. QD is often looked down upon by users as Develop with training wheels. It serves an important function. The edits are relative to the existing conditions or edits. Say you have 5 bracketed images and use the Exposure button in QD. ALL five images will be adjusted relative to that one click rather than synchronizing all the photo’s with the same exposure value. Useful for batch processing the same relative correction to many images.

  9. Regarding drying time for prints – should I be doing this for purchased prints from a local store (not online service) ? Or do they use different tech (inks, papers, etc).


  10. Thanks for posting some great ideas and I’ll try to return back with a completely different browser to check things out! Also, I put a link to your blog at my site, hope you don’t mind?

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