Before we get started, just a quick word of thanks to the wonderful folks at the ISAP (International Society of Aviation Photographers). I spoke at their annual symposium in Dallas, Texas yesterday (on behalf of Nikon), and I just had a wonderful time. They’re a terrific group to present to, and once again I was blown away by the images their members capture. They had a mini-gallery set-up of their attendees work, and it was just absolutely stunning. Thanks to Nikon and ISAP for having me back this year.
- On a side note: while at ISAP I picked up a wonderful book by aviation photographer Erik Hildebrandt called “Anytime Baby; Hail and Farewell to the Navy F-14 Tomcat.” It’s filled with incredible images, and fascinating stories about one of the most amazing fighter jets ever made (Here’s the link to it on Now, on to the news:
- THIS IS HUGE: Remember last week when I raved about Nik Software’s new Photoshop plug-in Viveza? Well, I told our chief deal maker here at NAPP, that this plug-in was the next big thing and to see if we could get a special discount on it just for NAPP members. Well, he pulled it off, and for the next two weeks only; NAPP members get $50 off Viveza (That’s 1/2 of your NAPP yearly membership back to you in just one discount. Sweet!). So, for everybody else, it’s $249. For NAPP members, for the next two weeks, it’s only $199 (plus, NAPP members get the plug-in two weeks before the rest of the world, which is totally cool if you ask me). If you’re a NAPP member, drop by the NAPP member homepage for your link to get the exclusive member discount (Note: NAPP does not get any rebate, kicker, commission, etc. from Nik Software. I know you know that, but I thought I’d mention it anyway). Thanks to Ed and everybody at Nik for making this available to our members.
- Hey, it’s Friday; take two minutes and check out photographer David duChemin’s portfolio from his recent Mongolia trip. Absolutely wonderful images that will totally make you want to go to a workshop there. Here’s the link.
- If you’re anywhere near the Washington DC area; don’t forget that Jeff Revell over at “” has an “everybody’s invited” photo walk coming up on Saturday, March 8th. The walk is in this very trendy, hip little neighborhood and for two hours the group is going to shoot whatever looks interesting, and then afterward, it’s off to a local haunt to do some serious “chimpin” (looking at your, and your fellow shooters images on your LDC’s) while you have some pie or “photo walk” food, or whatever you eat and drink after a photo walk. Sounds like a great way to spend a spring Saturday to me. Here’s the link with all the details.
- If you’ve been in this business a while, you’ll probably remember a plug-in that did pro-level auto image enhancements called “ImagePrep Pro.” It was really brilliant; you told it what your final output was (newsprint, offset press, etc.) the line screen, etc. and it would automatically color correct, sharpen, resize, set the resolution, and do pretty much everything for you lickity split (even the AP wire service used it worldwide for years). It was so good, I figured at some point Adobe would buy it and just build it right into Photoshop. Anyway, the color wizard behind Image Prep Pro was Herb Paynter, and he’s just launched a new “Color blog” dedicated to getting color right (here’s the link). It’s great to see Herb back in the saddle again!
- We proclaimed today, leap-year day, an “un-official day” at Kelby Media Group, and we gave the crew the day off, so I’m staying home to play with the kids; shoot some more food shots, maybe hit a few golf balls, and even go tinker around over at the studio for a bit. Hey, this day off thing could really catch on. ;-)
Have a great weekend everybody, and we’ll see you on Monday.