Some folks will be watching online, some watching in person at the event at the New Yorker Hotel in New York City, but no matter where they are, B&H Photo is doing this entire event for free, and it’s not too late for you to come to either – all you have to do is RSVP at this link, and let ’em know you’re coming.
I’m teaching three classes along with some amazing instructors like: Joe McNally, Kristina Sherk, Peter Hurley, and so many more great teachers.
Check out the class schedule (below):


It’s going to be a really great event, and I hope I get to meet you there (or see. you online).
I’m off to New York today, and you know what that means – one night, I’m going to be eatin’ at Carmine’s on West 44th – awwww, yeah! (well, if all goes well – that’s the plan). LOL!! Have a great week, everybody! :)