I am so psyched! USA Today ran a full-page feature article on me in the Technology section of today’s paper, (complete with photos taken by USA Today photographer Dan MacMedan) during my LA Lightroom seminar, and anyway….I’m in USA Today!!!!!
The photo you see above is on the cover of the Money section, and it leads you to the full page article on page 4B inside.
If you don’t get USA Today, and you’re not staying in a hotel in St. Louis (like I am, where it was sitting right outside my door this morning when I woke up), you can read the article online by clicking this link. Did I mention how psyched I am? Well, it’s pretty. Pretty psyched I mean. Look, this doesn’t happen to me every day. Or ever. So, I’m psyched. In fact, I’m so psyched that I’m using the word psyched almost as much as the word cool. This is just so cool! ;-)
P.S. I didn’t forget today’s “Wednesday News Update”—just scroll down to the next post.