Greetings from 31,000 feet. I’m on my Delta flight home from Minneapolis, where this week between Indy and Minne I kicked off my new full-day seminar “The Ultimate Photography Crash Course” to more than 450 photographers (and some really incredibly nice folks. I love the Midwest!). I had such a great time, and I was thrilled at how well the new seminar was received.
I met so many great folks — people really into photography and Photoshop and Lightroom — my kinda folks. Thank you all for the warm welcome and gracious hospitality.
Yesterday I got to take a day off to go shooting
I spent the day with my new buddy, Minnesotan photographer Jay Grammond, and despite the cold (Brrrr!) and wind (Brrrrr!) and rain (Brrrr!), we still had a fun day shooting everything from the nation’s third-largest cathedral to the gorgeous Minnesota State Captial building; from a classic old research Library to just an incredible little chapel whose architecture was inspired by the Hagia Sofia Mosque (now a museum) in Istanbul, Turkey. Just amazing!

My Playpod sure got a workout that day, and nobody batted an eye at it. Security guard after a security guard saw me using it, and none of them ever said a word. I was able to put it in all sorts of places. Thanks, Jay for a really fun day! I haven’t had a chance to edit the images yet, but I’ll share ’em as soon as I get ’em done.
Had a great dinner with some friends from Adobe
A lot of Adobe’s Lightroom engineering folks are based in Minneapolis, and I had literally my best dinner of the year. The food was amazing and the company even better. Shout out to Jeff, Jon, and Julie — just awesome folks.
OK, we’ve been cleared for landing.
This weekend we’re having a graduation party for my son Jordan — super psyched about that! Gonna work a bit on my new book (it’s a natural light portrait book