It’s a Pimp, Pimp, Pimpy Thursday!

> Light It magazine (link)

> Matt’s Compositing Secrets Free Live Web Cast, Aug 30th (link)

> NAPP member store (link)

> Photoshop World Conference & Expo, Las Vegas (link)

> Cliff Mautner’s new online class: “One Light Wedding Photography” (link)

> Frank Doorhof’s  “Why fake it when you can create it” workshop in Boston, MA  (link)

> My seminar tour in September, in Denver (link) or Portland (link) or Los Angeles (link).

Note: The Q&A mentioned in the video is going up tomorrow. Thanks!

    1. Thanks for that link Ken! I’ve seen that hat before and didn’t know where to get it. So I don’t know if it’s THE member store site or not, but I like their stuff!! (The products say they’re by the KelbyMediaGroup, so I’m thinking you might have the right one, but don’t know for sure.)

  1. Good morning Scott!
    Can’t wait to see a little of Matt’s secrets, super psyched about that!

    Now while it’s early and I’m really tired, I thought it was I that was off a little
    bit but then I realized that about 1:09 when you said “secondly” the audio/video
    got off track & it ended up looking like a dubbed foreign flick! No pressure!
    It was actually a little funny but someone’s head must roll for it! JK! ;)
    (Do I get a prize!?!)

    Have a great day now!

  2. Re. Light It: I’m a working event photographer and do a lot of run and gun quick lighting set ups. I’m always looking to learn more and to find better ways of doing things. However, I don’t own an iPad or any tablet. Would love to see the content. I checked out the free download in iTunes, but it appears to be for iPad only. Anyway to get the mag to read on my iMac desktop? Maybe in Zinio like Photoshop User?

    1. Hi Jack. It’s an iPad only mag at this point. No plans to port it to Zinio either at this time. All this is, of course, subject to change, but that’s where we are right now. :)

  3. What I don’t understand about Light It is what I’m supposed to do with the magazine as issues accumulate. At one third of a gigabyte, I cannot afford to keep multiple issues on my iPad. Is the only alternative to redownload an issue if I want to go back and look at a prior article? I don’t see any way to archive the articles through iTunes either.

    1. Dan, I may be wrong. But I think this issue might solve itself once IOS 5 comes out this fall. They’re supposed to debut iCloud at the same time as a free service for iPad users too. So I believe that cloud storage will likely be the answer to the archiving issue. Though of course, you’ll still need an internet connection to get to the cloud itself.

      1. Sorry, but I don’t agree. The app itself does not allow for archiving. While iCloud may back up the app and whatever issues are in the app at that moment, I’ll wager deleting an issue will delete that content from iCould the next time a synchronization is performed. I suspect the app will need to be revised to accommodate some form of archiving, either in the cloud, in iTunes, or one the desktop/laptop.

  4. Hi Scott,
    Great magazine!
    I also love Cliff Mautner last video, really interesting to watch.
    Also about Cliff I found his great wedding book/dvd “shooting around the clock” in the landscape category at kelbytraining :-) , no big deal as we can find it in /wedding

    Keep up the good work,

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Today, We’re Launching a New Magazine…..

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Quick Q&A From Our Launch of “Light It Magazine” for the iPad