It’s CS5 Monday!!!!


It doesn’t get much more exciting around here than this!!!!

>> At 11:00 am EST this morning Adobe will unveil the new features in Photoshop CS5, and all the products the entire Creative Suite (here’s the link to be a part of their free online launch event).

>> Once Adobe makes their official announcement, we’ll be launching NAPP’s own Photoshop CS5 Learning Center—the largest and most comprehensive learning center and first-day training initiative in our history.

Here’s a peek at what’s in NAPP’s CS5 Learning Center:

$#x2022; 16 Videos covering all the new features (from NAPP and friends)
$#x2022; Exclusive Video Interview with Photoshop Product Manager Bryan O’Neil Hughes
$#x2022; Exclusive video Interview with Adobe Camera Raw Product Manager Tom Hogarty
$#x2022; Full feature list that outlines the 100+ new Photoshop CS5 features and enhancements
$#x2022; CS5 FAQ
$#x2022; Special video segment on “What the Pros are Saying” about CS5
$#x2022; Full Pricing Info, which versions are eligible for upgrades, and more important details
$#x2022; Special Photoshop CS5 Tips video for Wacom tablet users
$#x2022; Comparison of features to show what you missed if you skipped CS4 and are coming from CS3
$#x2022; Links to other important CS5 learning resources
$#x2022; Special content for NAPP Members only, including a special “Upgrade kit video” to help makes the transition to CS5 fast and easy, including  how to move your stuff, PS/Illustrator integration video, and a video on “10 Little-Known CS5 Tips”

Here’s the link (just remember—it doesn’t go “live” until 11:00 am EST).

>> Of course, we have a special “All CS5″ episode of Photoshop User TV going live this week as well, and well…every week after that, too! (here’s the link so you can watch our free weekly online Photoshop how-to and Q&A show).

>> That will be followed by a Week-long series of Free CS5 Online Webinars hosted by Matt, Dave, Corey, RC, and me, (the times and all the details will be available on our Learning center when it goes live this morning). Also, don’t forget, we’ll be giving away a FREE upgrade to CS5 every day as part of our Webinars.

>> Of course, we’re rolling out all sorts of CS5 support and training throughout our sister sites later today, and this week, (like,, and the NAPP Member Website, among others) so during the week I’ll keep you up-to-date on what’s news (it’s going to be a BIG week!).

>> Lastly, if you’re a Kelby Training Online Subscriber, we are releasing 14 brand new CS5 online classes starting today! That way, we can get you up-to-speed fast on how to use, and leverage, all the new CS5 features (before Adobe even ships the product, no less).

>> NOTE: Tomorrow I’m planning a Photoshop CS5 Q&A here on the blog, so if you’d like, post your questions here today, and I’ll pull from some of those tomorrow.

It’s a really exciting time to be a Photoshop user, and we very grateful that you guys give us the opportunity to share this great new stuff with you. See you online!


  1. Oh… something I’d love for you talk about on the Q&A (or some other time) is how you think some of the new features stack up against the 3rd party options. Like the new HDR features vs. Photomatix Pro and the new edge detection/selection features vs. something like onOne’s Mask Pro.

    1. I’ll toss in my request for information about HDR support in CS5. It’s not something to rave about in previous versions of Photoshop, so I’m curious to know if HDR support is significantly improved. Is the workflow better or easier?

    1. Hey andrew, is it cheaper to upgrade your wife, or your photoshop? :D
      ha ha! I do crack myself up!

      Your comment is one of the funniest things I read this morning. Thanks for the lols!

  2. Except they’ve already unveiled them at their website.

    And I do find it somewhat amusing the release of Flash Catalyst at just about the same time Apple has pretty much nixed flash for its future (the iPhone/iPad).

  3. If I have CS3 Extended, can that count toward an upgrade to CS5 Standard? I know Adobe is kind of tricky in how they handle licensing, and it’s a maze…thanks in advance for all the inside scoops, and looking forward to all the content inside NAPP! :)

    (P.S. For non-NAPP members, man are you missing out! Great stuff goes on inside these walls….great stuff!)

  4. Hey Scott,
    Like always, you guys are on top of things. I’ll have an hour to look at the stuff before my Photoshop class starts. What am I going to tell my students today? hmmm.
    Thanks for everything,

  5. Hi Scott,

    Unfortunately, I’ll be a 35,000 feet flying to Kentucky … Dang! Will, there be a video of the announcement like they did for the 20 year celebration? I’m never available for the live stuff, so the videos are very helpful to stay up to speed. Boy, what an exciting week! I just hope my company laptop will let me watch the videos. They have it blocked pretty good. Anyway, thanks for all your work putting this all together, we all appreciate it!


    1. The content aware fill works pretty well. Made retouching some braces off of teeth quicker and smoother for me. The Photomerge to panorama also did a better job on some test images I tried in CS3 vs CS5 (not sure of CS4’s ability in that). If you are on Mac and working with large files the 64 bit support may be the deal maker.

    1. Thats a really interesting question especially on the Apple side of things. Since the program is now native 64 bit, many of the older plugins wont run in the 64 bit mode, they were designed for 32 bit.

      There is a way to run the program in 32 bit mode and the older plugin will work but you don’t get the speed / performance boost of the 64 bit code.

      I think that many of the main plugin developers will address this asap.

  6. Big Day! I think I finally need to start playing with the big boys (still using LR & Elements). I suppose, if I just joined the NAPP then the discount for buying CS5 would cover the membership cost?

    1. Ryan,
      Joining NAPP for the Adobe discount would bring you very close to covering your membership… using the code NEWCS5 would put you over the top because you’ll get the new Photoshop CS5 Power Session training DVD by Matt Kloskowski and the CS5 bonus issue of Photoshop User magazine. =)

      It’s a great day to become a NAPP member. =)

      1. Ryan,
        Joining NAPP would be worth it even if you didn’t get a discount on anything.

    2. Ryan, I have been a member several years and NAPP is well worth the money. NAPP has a great team and has always been there to help me with anything Photoshop or photography. Join, you will not be sorry.

  7. Hi Scott, I’ve got a different type of question for your Q&A:

    Do you think with some of the new features of CS5, and how easy certain things have become, that it’s now that much easier to be an ‘expert’ or ‘master’ photoshopper?

    The CAD industry went through something similar. as CAD packages became more intuitive and easy, all of a sudden, everybody was an expert.

    I’m not trying to imply that things should be difficult ‘just because’, but I am wondering if we’re getting closer to one of the best lines from the Pixar movie The Incredibles: “when everyone is super, no one is super.”

    Just some theoretical philosophical stuff for an average Monday morning! :)

    BTW, I’ve already seen Terry White’s 5 favorite things in PS CS5 and I am amazed at how incredible (pun intended) some of the new features are. Bravo!

    Thanks in advance for your time and response.

  8. Scott I’m asking ou this because – frankly- who else is there to ask! haha i have had CS4 Creative Suite for less than a month…. What happends to me and will Adobe do the right thing by people like me?

  9. Scott I’m asking you this because – frankly- who else is there to ask! haha i have had CS4 Creative Suite for less than a month…. What happends to me and will Adobe do the right thing by people like me?

  10. A really simple question for the Q&A, has the scripting changed from CS4 (i.e. can we still use AS and JS), and can we script these new features? (Adding the lens distortion filter of CS5 to my scripting workflow would be amazing)


  11. Just watched the Adobe infomercial, er, I mean launch of CS5. I’m counting on you guys at NAPP to REALLY show me what it can do, getting past the marketing hype of that launch. I know you guys at Kelby Training can do it, ’cause you always do… and I look forward to learning whether there’s anything in CS5 that deserves my money.

    Trev J.

  12. Not a single word about Lightroom 3 in the announcements or on the Adobe site. They offer an LR2/PS5 bundle, with no comment on the different process engines.
    Any insight on LR3?

  13. Scott – After watching your 1st round of live videos, I found an image which I would like to see what the refined selection process can do with it.

    It’s a Royalty Free image.

    You can found it on Stock Exchange:
    Photo ID #: 1183984

    It’s an evil, evil pic, at least I think so, when it comes to clearing out the background when there is a lot of hair that blends with the background!

    Good luck and let’s see what CS5 can do! ;-)



  14. I would like you to please comment on the differences between Photoshop CS5 and CS5 Extended as it relates to Photographers. I recall that CS4 had some additional 32 bit tools. Will CS5 Extended have any differences?

  15. CS5 looks really amazing with so many improvements!
    I have many, many 3rd party plugins ranging from Corel Painter 11, all of Nik, onOne, Lucis, Tiffen, Imagenomic, Topaz, Alien Skin, Auto FX, etc…. I am really concerned about the compatibility of all of them with CS5 and also the installation process of them (the past upgrades have been pretty much a nightmare) and the process of installation of actions, brushes, etc. I currently have CS4 Design Standard – seems the Premium might be a great upgrade for a little additional money even though I don’t use the other products as yet – your thoughts?
    Thank you.

  16. Congrats on getting Kelby Online Training up to snuff so fast on CS5. Great content. is still in the weeds. Question— If I just bought CS4 -what is the window of time to get a free upgrade to CS5?

  17. Scott:

    Yes, I concur with interest in what you could comment on regarding the major Photoshop plugins and their compatibility, or if all new versions/upgrades will be needed – also the new HDR vs. Photomatix Pro. Will we have to be running 64 bit system now to use the upgrade? Any recommendations for a killer system in Windows (memory, video card, Blu-Ray burner, etc.) and no doubt Mac users would be interested in same.

    You’ve all done a great job in the preparation and support for this release both at Photoshopuser and KelbyTraining. Thank you.

  18. Along the same lines as the other requests, I’d like to know how the noise reduction compares with third party plugins like Nik Dfine or Topaz Denoise or Noise Ninja.

  19. I’ve got CS4 right now and want to start doing HDR’s… Should I upgrade to CS5 or go buy Photomatrix Pro? Or more generally, with CS5 would one still want to get or use Photomatrix Pro to do HDR’s?

  20. I was looking forward to sitting on my patio with my iPad and watching all of the videos!!! I guess I will have to wait on that one till cs6……

  21. CS5 Camera Raw vs Lightroom beta: does the gap close even more? Any crystal ball guesses about a combo upgrade of CS5 and the upcoming LR upgrade? Any word on upgrading from PS CS4 standard to PS CS5 3D.

  22. Scott, i just don’t know how you guys do it but I’m so glad you do!!! Then again, how on earth do you manage to keep stuff like this a secret??? Talk about challenging :)

    The new features I’ve seen so far are mind blowing; in particular the Content Aware Fill which is sure to be a show stealer! The new HDR Pro looks amazing so it’ll be interesting to see if there’s a big shift of loyalty from Photomatix and as for the masking…well, unreal.

    Exciting times ahead indeed, so thanks yet again for all the hard work you guys have clearly done to benefit all.

    Amazing, absolutely amazing.
    Best wishes to you and yours,

  23. Any reason for spending the extra cash for the Extended version, or is the standard version more than good enough for the average photographer? (I’m assuming you guys’ve tested the Extended?)


  24. KA-CHING…. the sound of the Kelby Training cash registers…. must be a fantastic time to be in the PS training business!!! Congratulations and thanks for the ongoing fantastic tools and publications!

  25. I thought you guys said we were going to be able to download the webinars if people couldn’t make it while it was live. Where can we find them?

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