Light It. Shoot It. Retouch It. LIVE! London
That’s right, the final seminar of this tour is happening on April 28 in Islington, London, UK! We’ve had a lot of fun with this tour over the past year, and we can’t wait to see all of you English chaps in a few weeks. You can sign up over at, or leave a comment for your chance to win one of two tickets.
Digital Photography Library
Ready for another contest? We’re offering up the complete Scott Kelby Digital Photography Library - Books 1, 2, 3, and 4 plus a slipcase. This set includes 800 “tricks of the trade” so it’s like having a miniature Scott Kelby right there in your camera bag.
Leave a comment and we’ll randomly draw for a winner before the next edition of Free Stuff Thursday. As always, if you don’t win it - you can buy it at the bookstore. And for those of you who already have books 1, 2, and 3 â” you can pick up the slipcase and book 4 to complete your set.
The iPhone Book, Fifth Edition
For all of you iPhone 4S users out there, here’s a rare treat. Scott’s giving you a chapter from his latest title, The iPhone Book - Fifth Edition. Click here to download Chapter 3 - FREE! And if you like what you see, leave a comment for your chance to win one free copy, or you can order the book here!
Tom Bol Webinar
Adventure sports photographer (and Kelby Training instructor) Tom Bol is doing a free webinar for the Manfrotto School of Xcellence on Tuesday, April 10! Tom will be talking about the gear and lighting he uses, and planning that goes into a successful on-location adventure sports shoot. Head on over and sign up for this webinar to reserve your spot!
Pre-Order Shooter by Stacy Pearsall
Our friend Stacy Pearsall’s upcoming book Shooter is now available for pre-order! Stacy is a two-time Military Photographer of the Year, and this book is her account of the years she spent documenting the life of war. Scott Bourne has a great post about Stacy over at you should check out to find out more about her. You can reserve your copy from Amazon or Barnes and Noble today, and see her work right here.
Moose Peterson’s BT Journal for iPad
Our buddy Moose Peterson’s beautiful magazine, the BT Journal, is now available on the iPad! Not only does it feature Moose’s unique imagery, but his insights into the world of wildlife photography and the business of photography. A must-read for anyone who is interested in wildlife photography (or just loves seeing Moose’s amazing work)!
Last Week’s Winners
Here are the lucky winners of last week’s giveaways:
David Ziser’s Captured By The Light DVD
– KC
– The Digital Doc
– James Haverstock
Matt Kloskowski’s Lightroom 4 Seminar
– Kristina Jacob
Scott Kelby’s London Seminar
– Ana
Congratulations, and we’ll be in touch soon!
I’ll take it if nobody else does.
Wow! Wasn’t familiar with the BT Journal but took a look at the free PDF issue and was blown away. Thanks for the lead.
Any trips to Eastern Washington/ Northern Idaho planned?
Would love the new iPhone book!
800 tricks in a bag. I’d love to have that
I would love this – I keep checking the books out from my local library – but I have to wait because they are so popular – I need to get on a wait list. would love to have my own!
1,2,3,4 books to improve? Please count me in!!!
Ooo love free stuff ;0)
I would love the books! You guys are my photo university!
Hello Mr. Scott,
I am a huge fan of yours and I would gladly participate in this small “competition” for your books :)Greetings from Lithuania!
A mini-Scott? I’ll take one of those. Does it come with a mini-Brad too?
Please include me in the drawing for Scott’s Digital Library. Thanks
Scott I’d love to put my hands on Digital Photography Library, especially when it involves all four of them :)
Throw my name in the hat for the Iphone book.
London is only a few hours away :-)
Where is the free chapter 3?
I would love if the Easter Bunny brought the Digital Photography Library, but I promise not to snap his picture.
I like the idea of the Digital Photography library. I would appreciate having all that education in one place.
In for the books! :-)
Tickets to the Light it. Shoot it. Retouch it event in London would be a dream come true, it would also be an honour to meet you for the first time. Fingers crossed.
I want to add vol 4 to my library also your new LR4 book. I hope you will have a range of your books for sale in Islington!
Balliolman :)
D4 pix are amazing!
Congrats on the new book; LR4 is doing a fantastic job with my photos.
Would love a London LISIRI ticket please..
I see Braddo has not been disposed of for taking your D800 Scott! Thanks for letting him stick around to do free stuff Thursday. :)
Great book(s), great contest – as allways ;-) Thanks for that
Happy Easter guys.
Good Stuff!
I’m a big fan of Scotts other books, I’m sure this set of books iare great also
Include me in the library draw please!
Who wouldn’t want a miniature Scott Kelby in their photo backback!! And if the book set came with an official Scott Kelby bobble head it’s off the charts! Just think, you’re shooting something and don’t know what to do. Whip out your Scott Kelby bobble head, swivel his head right and left and he gives you some suggestions just like if he was standing there with you. Or maybe he just gives you the book number and chapter to read.
Brad and Scott I smell a marketing bonanza here, don’t you?
I preordered the Stacy Pearsall book after reading Scott Bourne’s blog post from 4/2. Just from his description of her and her commitment to and sacrifices for our country, I felt obligated and excited to place my order.
Brad, there isn’t a working link to chapter 3 of the iphone book.
It’s been fixed. Sorry about that!
Man I would so love to win a ticket to the London LISIRI event! I took up photography 3 years ago here in Ireland after reading Scotts Digital photography trilogy. These books ignited a passion in me to learn more about a little part-time hobby and it’s been full steam ahead since. I recently shot beauty head shots for a top makeup artist’s website, using the retouching techniques I learnt from Scott’s LISIRI book as well as his Professional Retouching Techniques book. The client was ecstatic with the results!
Through Scott’s books, his online Kelby Training and his introduction to the greats like Joe McNally I now earn a crust by doing something I am in love with! Even if I don’t get that coveted ticket ;) I just want to say a big THANK YOU for the invaluable resource and the passion you guys inspire!
All 4 Scott Kelby book’s in one slipcase? Amazing! It would be like having instant access to Scott’s brain on all things digital!
Winning isn’t everything, but it’s better than paying full price!
Can’t make it to London but winning any of the books sure would be great! Sign me up.
Random random random, keep them doggies random, rawhiiiiide! I like free stuff, but can’t make it to London. But I am getting my first iPad.
Would love to get my hand on the full set of Digital Photography books (I already own part 2 + a number of Scott’s other books)!
Please let me win :)
I love Scott’s books!
Books are meant to be read, and they can surely help me in teaching my peers and members of my photog soc in taking better snaps!
Scott Kelby Digital Photography Library – Books 1, 2, 3, and 4 would make a great addition to my camera club’s (Merrimack Valley Camera club) library!
Please enter me for tickets to the London event. Would love to go but just don’t have the cash at the minute. As always thanks for all the stuff you give us free of charge anyway
Entering for London tickets pretty please!
i would love to add those books to my library.
I love free stuff Thursday’s I want book
You say you are giving away Scott’s Books numbers One, Two, Three and Four,
I say AWESOME, there is nothing that I could ever want more!
“But wait,” you say– “…it even comes with a SLIPCASE”‘
Well now, knock me to the floor with a feather and watch me smack my face!
Free stuff Thursday is great I would love to win the bookset
You guys are great! Free books are always welcome! Thanks!
Would love to have Scott’s Books!
i would like something free.
Thanks for giving
The Digital Photography Library would be awesome!
So I’ll have to comment to try to get the set of 4 Kelby books before the Digital Photography Library 5 comes out!
I have the set and they are great. I would love to win a set because I have a friend I would give them too who would get some use out of them.
Would be nice with the full set – want to give o my daughter as a gift as I already have the full set.
I stop by here every morning. Always a treat. Thanks!
Would love to win Scott’s book set. Thanks for the chance.
Chance to win please!
You guys are Awesome!
Hey Brad – would love a chance to win the book! Thanks!!! BTW, the link for the free Chapter 3 does not appear to be working??
Doh, sorry about that… Should be working now!
Super excited about Stacy Pearsall’s book! She has some amazing stuff that tell the stories of our guys. Truly Epic.
I love your books.
Would love Stacy’s boook. Thanks, Gerry Johnson
I’d love a copy of Scott’s Digital Photography Library.
I Would love to win the book set so I can give them to my wife as a gift…she really needs them. It doesn’t matter what I tell her or show her (and yes, I’m a great teacher…hmm….). ;-)
I’ve been falling down on my “first commenter” job lately! I was just plain tired last night. Put my name in the hat. :)
Love to win Scott’s set of books.
The only constant is change.
Would love to have the set of books! Got a few people in mind I could pass them on to.
Hi Brad,
I’d love to see the image of a miniature Scott Kelby in a bag! I wouldn’t mind the books either.
Would love to win the library.
Wow Scott’s complete Digital Photography Library! Thats an awesome prize I would love to win!
I would love to win any of the prizes offered this Free Stuff Thursday!
Already have the complete set but would love to give them away to a very talented 10yr old photographer that goes to my church
I always enjoy Scott’s books. Like so many others, I would share with several other starters and even some advanced shooters. Way to go.
I’ve just recently discovered all of the great resources Scott provides and would be thrilled to have the set!
I already have all 4 books, tough to hold back, but the set would make a great gift!
I’ll take one, especially if it’s free. :-)
Ah yes the fruits of Free stuff Thursday’s. Delicious!
Put Ken the mix, good ready
Didn’t win the Mega-lotto )c: maybe I’ll win a set of Scott’s books (c:
Oooo…I’d love to win a copy of the Digital Photography Library!
The Library would look good in my bookcase.
I been waiting to get a copy of Scott’s Library, now is maybe my chance.
I learn lots from Scot’s books but don’t have the full set. Please enter my name in the draw.
Sandy McElroy
I’d love to win a copy of the Digital Photography Library!
Pick me! Pick me! I’m clever, and special and oooooohhhhh so smart!!!
Seriously though, I’d love the books…
Oh please pick me!
Digital Photo Library! I need to be in this draw, no doubt about it.
Please tell Scott thanks for the chance to win the set of his books.
As a new iPhone owner I would love to read Scott’s new how-to book.
My first post for free stuff. Seems like a good way to get my attention.
Doh, sorry about that… Should be working now!
I would love to win any of the prizes
Hi, my name is Lynn and I am a photo-aholic. 24:7:366. Have a great day!
Would love the full set of Scott’s Digital Library. I have the first 3 books but not the new edition. If I win I can give 1-3 to my daughter. Also my next phone come summer will be the iphone so I wouldn’t mind the iPhone book ….Thank you for the chance to win,
Jan Gemeinhardt
In for the digital library. Thanks as always. Scott, loved the work from the Tavistock Cup last week.
Scott you are the best!!!! Thanks for constantly inspiring all of us and keeping us in the loop with new technologies. I also took one of your classes @PSW12 and enjoyed it tremendously. You always do a great job!! Hope the London training goes well!!
Count me in on this one. I’m a big fan.
I always like reading and adding books to my photography “Library of Knowledge”! If you’re not learning, you’re losing…
I would like the book set.
Would love to win the book set. I need to update, since my latest copy is book 2.
Glenn N from Chi-town here. I would love to be able to get my hands on any of these books. I just placed my order for the New lighroom book.
Glenn N
Ditto. The Book set will be a great read and perfect to leave out on the coffee table!
Would love to win the book set! Or a mini-Scott Kelby would suffice!
I’d happily pass along books 1 and 2 to a friend, he just bought book 3 and loves it.
Count me in for the freebie!
My first three are wearing out and need replacing. These books are great.
Scott’s Digital Photography collection would be amazing to have at home on the bookshelf. I would be happy the rest of the year if I got it.
Other notes: love the “Reverse Critiques”, really great idea!
I still carry the first one around many years later, the physical book is considerably worn, but the content still remains just as awesome!
Would love to win the i phone book.
I have the books already and tell everyone about them. I’d love to be able to give a set away to an outstanding student in the HS photography club I work with.
Count me in for the chance to win Scotts Digital Library give away
Winning the books would be great, as the library wants theirs back! The librarians are after me, the librarians are after me!
The digital photography library would be my choice. Thanks
I keep the Digital Photography Book vol. 3 everywhere I go shoot. I can’t wait what vol.4 will have. Thanks.
I would really enjoy reading the complete Digital Photography Library! :)
Love those Free Stuff Thursday’s.
Books 1, 2, 3 4. I want some more. 5, 6, 7, 8. I can’t wait.
Light It – Shoot It – Retouch It in London would be cool…
Free Stuff Thursday is just one of the reasons I am a blog follower. I would love to win the four book set for our camera club.
Here we are again; another week, another chance to win!
New to the Blog and loving all the fantastic info and tips! I would love the first 4 of Scott’s books!!! Free Stuff Thursday’s are awesome!
Sweet, who wouldn’t want a miniature Scott Kelby in their bag!!
Sure, would love to win a copy.
Thanks for the chance,
Love to win the library!
The iPhone Book would be a great win. ….of course, none of the freebies are shabby!
would love to win!
i’d love to win too…
Digital Photography Library!! Yes, I’d love to win it!!!
I’d love the Scott Kelby Digital Photography Library set!
Wouldn’t mind getting the book set. Would be a great read/reference guide.
yes, the book set would be nice to have.
I would love to have this great book set by Scott!
I never win anything
I’d love the book set! I’ll even give the earlier copies I already own to deserving students!
The photography book set would be an awesome win.
The books sound great!
That would be better then hunting them down at the library
Count me in.
I would love to win the book set!
Can’t wait to win!
Time to get the #4!
Would love to win Scott’s latest Digital Photography or iPhone book, thanks for the opportunity!
..let’s try!
I’ve already booked for the seminar….but may I could win my ticket!!
Greatings from Firenze Italy
I love Free Stuff Thursday!! :) Thanks!!
Great site. First time here!
I have been leaving comments forever….but you have to get in to win. Thanks for the opportunity!
The fifth time is the charm…
thank you for last weeks light it! shoot it! retouch it! live ticket :) i hope to learn a lot in london
Winner winner chicken dinner!!
I’d love to win Scott’s Digital Photography Library — it’s an awesome set!
I hope that I am the lucky one that will win
Scott Kelby Digital Photography Library
I would be happy to win anything, I’m cheap and easy! ;-)
Anything free is always good :-))
Scott Kelby or IPhone book??? tough choice…I’d love either!!!!
Pick me!!! Pick me!!!
If we already have all 4 can we just get the slipcover?
Just kidding. I’d love all of them! Thanks for the chance!
Thank you for your generous advice and helpful, inspiring blog!
Scott, you rock as always, love your stuff !!! And prizes to boot…wow :-)
Loved the Light It, Shoot It, Retouch It stop in NYC and the G+ hangouts I’ve been able to take part in (in addition to my NAPP & Kelby Training memberships) – I’m hooked on Kelby Media! And, I can’t get enough. Bring on that prize!
I highly recommend anyone who can get to London for the LISIRI-Live event to do so. I caught the even in Houston and it was a blast. Would love to score the 4th book in the SKDPL. I’ve learned a bunch from the first 3!
I’m in! Any of the books would be great… right now I’m on the waiting list at the library… you are very popular there!
Awesome blog!
I would love the book set. Thanks for the great post
How random is the random selection??
I always enjoy reading your blog, and now it’s even easier keep up on Google+
Great giveaway! Hope I win… :)
Volume four and that snazzy slip case to boot would be sweet.
Randomly tasting my talent on being picked!
As a bad photographer, I guess I deserve this books to improve.
Umm Scott Kelby Digital Photography Library Good.
Please include me in the drawing for the Scott Kelby Digital Photography Library. Those books rock!
Soon I will be traveling across country trapped in the middle seat between, what I’m sure will be, two of the most ideal travel companions ever. Winning would give me something to read and thus keep me sane. Help please!!
Would love the Scott Kelby Digital Photography Library! Love your Blog!
I would love to win volume four and the slip case! Books 1-3 have been so helpful!
Wow! A chance for Scott’s Digital Library — sounds great to me!
I’d love to have Volume 4 and the slipcase, although I’d have to hang on to my autographed slipcase from the 3 volume set as well! I’d be sure to pass on the duplicate volumes to a photographer friend to share the wealth!
I’d love to win a copy of the iPhone book. Thank you for the chance.
thanks for this nice news
Oh wow . . would love to win your library! I have just one of the books (kindle version) and love it. Actually I have several Scott Kelby books . . my most loved is the Lightroom 3 book. That sucker made Lightroom my favorite tool, the poor book is dog-eared and bookmarked and loved to death! :D
Thanks, Scott, for another nice giveaway. Good luck to us all!
I would love to win the set of Digital Photography books. It will be months before the local library will have the latest, and they are full of great tips!
I could say something here about wanting to win, or what I want to win, but I won’t. ;)
I would like to have a set of the digital photography books.have great tips!
Thanks a million for the David Ziser DVD!
Digital Library sounds good! :)
If it’s free; it’s for me. Â
Would love to win 1 through 4 books. They are a great need of mine right now, and I do mean right now. lol Thanks for the contest!
I read a sample of book one, and now I rea….lly…. want to win!
Thanks for the opportunity, not to mention, sharing your expertise!
Would love to win.