Photoshop World Vegas – Stay Where The Instructors Stay!
Coming to Photoshop World Vegas in August? You'll want to stay where the Conference is, where the After Hours Party is, where Midnight Madness is, where the Meetup is, where Birds of a Feather is, and where the Art of Photography is held… Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino! You can find all the reservation info on Mandalay Bay and its all-suite sister property The Delano at
And if you haven’t already registered, don’t wait because there’s only 12 DAYS LEFT before ticket prices increase from $599 to $699! If you’ve already registered, leave a comment for your chance to attend RC Concepcion’s Lightroom Crash Course workshop for FREE the day before the conference starts!
The Lightroom CC Book for Digital Photographers
Scott Kelby’s latest book, The Lightroom CC Book for Digital Photographers, is here! Well, a box of advance copies are anyway, but that means they’ll start hitting shelves any day now. If you prefer digital, you can pick up the Peachpit eBook, Kindle, Nook, and iBook versions now as well!
We’re going to give away three physical copies AND three digital copies, so leave a comment letting us know which you prefer for your chance to win!
KelbyOne Live
Want to learn from Scott Kelby, Joe McNally, Joel Grimes, or Ben Willmore live in person? Check out these seminar tour dates to see if they're coming to a city near you!
Shoot Like A Pro: Reloaded with Scott Kelby
July 14 - London, UK
The Moment It Clicks with Joe McNally
May 4 - Rosemont, IL (Chicago area)
May 19 - Philadelphia, PA
June 15 - Lansing, MI
June 17 - Nashville, TN
The Photographers Creative Revolution Tour with Joel Grimes
May 6 - Boston, MA
May 8 - Denver, CO
Lightroom & Photoshop Creative Integration Tour with Ben Willmore
May 29 – South San Francisco, CA
June 19 – Seattle, WA
These are just some of the upcoming dates for these seminar tours. You can find the full calendar of events right here, and leave a comment for your chance to win a free ticket to one of these events!
Last Week’s Winner
KelbyOne Live Ticket
– Craig Coupland
If that’s you, we’ll be in touch soon. Have a great Thursday!
Well I’m first and would like to request the digital version of Scott’s Lightroom CC book for digital photography, so I can always have it for reference…
I’d like to win an autographed copy of Scott Kelby’s The Lightroom CC Book for Digital Photographers.
Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Scott’s Lightroom CC Book. If selected, a physical copy please. Thanks!
Would LOVE a physical copy, especially if signed by Scott. It’s not looking good for me making PSW this year due to health reasons, but if there’s any chance I can do it, I’ll be there- even if I have to drag my walker around. True insanity is the Mandalay escalators + a 4 wheel walker 😵
I would love to have the digital copy of Scott’s new Lightroom CC for Digital Photographers!
Thanks in advance!
I would love to receive the printed copy of Scott’s new Lightroom book. Good luck
I love your Lightroom books. Can’t wait for a print version. Thanks!
I would like to win a print version of the new Lightroom book.
I would love to have a physical version of Scott’s new book “Lightroom CC for Digital Photographers”
I’d love to win a digital copy of Scott’s Lightroom book. Thanks.
I haven’t put Lightroom CC through much use yet, other than the panorama feature as a test. I would love a bound version of your Lightroom CC book to help me explore and see what I may be overlooking. Thanks.
Print version please!!!
So many opportunities to win stuff this week! Personally, I’d like to see Joe McNally in Grand Rapids MI. That would be a great b-day present for me (one day early)!
I would love to get my grubby paws on a hardcopy of Scott’s new book! :D
I’d love to see Joe McNally in Chicago, or I’d love a hard copy of Scott’s book! Thanks!
I loved Scott’s Lightroom 5 for Photographers book (it was what made me use LR as my main editing software) so I’d love the CC upgrade. Kindle please, in case I’m one of the happy winners, simply to remove the problem of shipping the book to Germany ;)
I’d like to win a physical copy of this amazing book!
I’d like a paper copy, please.
I always wear out my copies of Scott’s books because of overuse, I would love a paper version of the Lightroom CC book to break that one in!
Please can I have a physical copy of your Lightroom CC. I’ve just signed onto adobe cc and need all the help I can get.Thanks
I’d love a digital copy of the newest book. It’d be a great replacement for my worn out previous copy.
Please count me in for the book! If possible the hard copy!!
“Lightroom CC Book for Digital Photographers” book for me, please!
Physical copy is what I prefer.
Physical, if you please. Make it a real book.
I would like to win a digital copy of “The Lightroom CC Book for Digital Photographers”. Thank you!!!
Lightroom CC book, if you please. I’ve got a tattered previous LR book of yours.
Hi Scott, thanks for all you do. Would love to see Ben in Seattle in June.
I would love a physical copy of the book. But a digital copy would not be looked down either. Just harder to fall asleep with.
I…must…have…this…book… Digital works for me!
Physical copy would be very helpful in my continuous conversion over from Aperture. BTW thanks for the LR podcast. Very helpful
I’d LOVE a physical copy! Pick me! Pick me!
I would love to have Scott’s latest LR book. I’m fine with either Peachpit eBook or iBook digital copies. Thanks Kelby One Team…you guys rock!
Would love a copy of the digital version of the book on Lightroom CC. Scott’s way of explaining things simpler than others in his books and videos.
When are you coming to Nova Scotia, Canada! :)
Would love to win a physical copy of the Lightroom CC book!
I would like to see Scott in Washington DC
ebook of the LR CC :)
Put me in the running for Scott’s new book in the print version. He can’t sign a digital copy! :-)
These books have been my Lightroom and Photoshop bible since LR3 and PS4. I wouldn’t work without them.
Digital copy of the Lightroom CC book please.
I would like the print version of Scott’s new Lightroom CC!
Love Scott’s books, would love the print version if I’m fortunate enough to win, but digital would be OK too! Thanks for the great info!
I’d love a ticket to Joel Grimes in Denver.
I’ll take a book book.
Physical books still rule. So please put me in the hat (or whatever the digital version is) for a chance to win. Thanks.
I’d love to win a hard copy!
Pick me please! Physical book
Scott, would absolutely dig a copy of your new Lightroom CC book. Hopefully signed!
Although I would prefer the hard copy version of Scott’s Lightroom CC Book for Digital Photographers, I would be grateful to receive either version.
Maybe is still not too late to get a copy of Lightroom CC book (hard)
On my calendar is already Friday :)
The Kelby videos on the new version of LIghtroom have been awesome! Would love to have a hard copy of the book for reference.
Hard copy. Will you have a spiral bound edition as before?
Would love to attend RC’s Lightroom class at Photoshop World, and yes, I’m already registered! It’ll be my 5th PSW! :) A copy of the print book would be awesome too. Thanks!!
Would love to win a print copy of Scott’s new book!
I’d love to have a paper copy of Scott’s new LR CC book, but would be just fine with the e-book as well.
I would love Lightroom CC book. I’d prefer the print version, but digital would be okay. Thanks!
I’d love to win a digital copy of Scott’s book. I’ve got most of his others, and this would be a fantastic addition to my collection! Thanks a lot.
I’m old and love holding a book! The new CC Lightroom book would be fabulous! Thanks for continuing to offer such great giveaways.
I’m in for the Lightroom CC book, e-book, please.
I’d love a physical book, nothing beats turning the pages and sticking post-it notes to the really important sections. :)
Scott Kelby – just got to know you via Serge Ramelli. If I win, I’ll graciously accept the soft copy of your publications please. Thanks.