Food Photography Master Class: Natural Light with Steve Hansen
Create amazing food and beverage photos in natural light! Join Steve Hansen, a commercial food and beverage photographer, on location as he takes you through a variety of food and beverage setups in a natural light studio. Styling food is a huge component of food photography, and Steve shares invaluable tips on how to handle and style everything from fried eggs to cold glasses, and from real flames to coffee. For each shoot Steve builds the set from scratch sharing his thought process and various tricks and techniques he’s learned and developed over his career. Beyond the sets and the food styling you’ll learn how to control, tame, and manipulate natural light even if you’re just using one of your own windows.
Leave a comment for your chance to win a 1-month KelbyOne membership so you can watch this class (and all the rest) for free!
Last Week’s Winner
Lightroom & Photoshop Tour with Ben Willmore
– callmebob
If that’s you, we’ll be in touch soon. Have a great Thursday!
Would love a month of KelbyOne – Thanks!
Love watching food photography videos. Awesome.
Looks like a great food photography class (love to win a month!)
I like the idea of using natural light.
Scott: I’m doing my first paid food photography gig in ten days. This is exactly the help I need beforehand to make sure I do well for my client. Help me make a good impression with Mr Hansen’s training. Thank you, Gene
This would be perfect for me. I was out shooting two models yesterday and a restaurant owner approached me to ask if I do food photography. Of course I said yes! Learning more tips though ahead of that new gig would be ideal.
Thanks for always bringing the best in the related fields to teach. Always such gold!
You can never learn too much! Please, count me in!
Would love to win the membership. Big fan of you guys. Thanks in aadvance! ;)
Funny to see a food photo tutorial and then check your instagram feed, the difference is Huge!
Would really like!
Huge fan of Kelbyone! Would love to win!
Mumbai, India
Enter me please
I am in!
Yes, please! :D I’d love to have the chance to try it out!
That’s one tasty offer from the KelbyOne team. Please count me in. Thx.
I love kelbyone. Prayerfully I win :)
Amazing course.
I’m in! :)
I’d love to win this! My fingers are crossed!
Sounds like a great idea! Free Stuff! :)
Yeah, I am the winner… :-)
Yes please I’m in
I wouldn’t mind checking it out.
Free stuff is always good! :)
Only to be watched after meals so as not to take breaks
Another awesome Thursday with the Kelby One Team!
Yes please, although I have a eating problem when I take photos of food.
Love to have a free month! Free stuff is cool. Just bought the Lightroom book and enjoying it so far.
I would love to win a free month at KelbyOne.
Yum! Makes the food look great! I’ve recently discovered KelbyOne after seeing info about the WWWalk. That was such a fun event, I look forward to discovering more with KelbyOne!