It’s An All-New
Yesterday we launched a whole new website designed from the ground up to give you the best KelbyOne experience yet. There’s an all-new member dashboard, all-new navigation, and just all new everything! If you’re already a KelbyOne member, log in now to check it all out. And if you’ve never been a KelbyOne member, you can take it for a spin for FREE (click here and scroll to the bottom of the page for info)!
And to celebrate the launch of the brand new site, we’re going to give away a free 1-month membership to five lucky people… Just leave a comment for your chance to win!
Last Week’s Winners
Shoot Like A Pro Reloaded Tickets
– Nicole Miller
– jeburkezoo
– Mitch Kloorfain
– Michael Glover
If any of those is you, we’ll be in touch soon. Have a great Thursday!
Please count me in for the KelbyOne month. I’m already a member, but I’d love to give this month to my brother.
Count me in for 1 month free membership of KelbyOne :)
I can’t get on the new site….page not found. Is this just a tease, Brad?
Unfortunately I tried to get in but was informed the site is down. Any idea when it will be up and running?
Looking forward to the new intergration.
I also can not log on. I get a redirection error. I’ve cleared my cookies, but still no success logging on. What’s up?
I’d love a free month – Thanks!
Can’t sign in and I already have a subscription that I could sign into previously
Website down.
Website a mess…
Count me in for the free month…When it is running…
Can’t wait to try it (especially looking forward to Kayllee Greer’s course!) but been unusable for the last 14hrs or so, from the UK at least.
Count me in, for a chance, to win a free month.
I’d love to try it for a month!
I like the new format, BUT can you make the color of the title (at least courses and instructors) a darker gold color. Its just too light to read easily (at least on my screen).
1 month of learning? Yes please!
Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! Pick me! (must be read in Arnold Horseshack’s voice).
Big surprise, I can’t log on. Just for giggles, I tried the forgot password option, it says “invalid user name or email”, even though my membership is current and expires in 2017. Why promote a new website roll out when it’s obviously broken?
Love to have a free month, but BTW, can’t even access the page at the moment.
Looking forward to this new course and the new site. Like others, haven’t been able to log in since yesterday though.
Says stay tuned- we’ll be right back….
Can’t sign in and I already have a subscription that I could sign into previously
Can’t sign in and I already have a subscription that I could sign into previously
I already have a one month subscription but am unable to actually watch videos as the new site refuses to load. So sure, another month would be a nice consolation.
Thank you for all the fabulous courses! I have learned so much from KelbyOne. I would love a month free!
I too can’t log in to KelbyOne member log in now ?? Any ideas ? Wouldn’t take password either ! :(
Love to win a 1 month free membership from Kelby One
Congrats and thanks for the inspiration!
Home from work, had hoped the new site would be operational, but can’t even get the home page to load :(
I want my kelbyone (sing to the sound of “I want my mtv” chorus on Dire Straits – Money for Nothing).
Aww. Looks like the server is down? Maybe it was too much awesome all at once ^_^ I’m gonna go with that. Hope to see the new site and content soon! <3
I’d love a free month! I’m already a member and I use it all the time. It was mostly working yesterday. Must be many new people trying it today. I’ll wait until it’s fixed to try.
Never fail to learn something here!
Great looking new website, I’m glad you all updated it. I will be buying a members ship this year where you all anounnce the cyber week deals. I would love to win an extra month though.
Great looking new website, I’m glad you all updated it. I will be buying a membership this year when you all announce the cyber week deals. I would love to win an extra month though.
Pick me please. :-)
Love your Thursday posts Brad!!!!
love to have 1 month free extra!
I’d love the 1 free month!
I’d love to win the free month subscription!
I logged in just fine. I love the new layout. I just need to find time to get in and learn!!
Dissappointed my Favorites did not transfer.
Certainly a more modern interface
Heya folks. I discovered you thru Mark Rodriguez’s recent appearance on The Grid. Since then I have been addicted to your blind critiques – keep it up, good stuff!
Can’t log in.
Posting for a chance for a free month
It works for me!!! Looking forward to better things to come from the great Kelby Team.
Who doesn’t like free stuff!
Free Month of Scott Kelby is always a very nice treat !!
Hi! I still cannot access the new website. It says “invalid user name or email” when I try to recover my password.
Disappointed, cannot login and when click forgot password it comes back as invalid username. Hope this can be fixed soon
Cannot login !!! Hope this will solve soon.
Great website design! I’d love to have one month free.
Hey Scott. The website that bears your name, the one with all the cool training stuff and discounts… that one. Well, how to put this, performance is pretty bad. Slow to glacial at times. If you can login, you can’t stay logged in. Plenty of discounts that lead nowhere… Very un-Kelbyone like. And now we’re going on a week with things still broken. Worse, the thing that would make folks feel a bit better, information&communication are in short supply. Folks can and do forgive much – but the feeling of being taken for granted because a vendor won’t tell them what is going on (“we’re working on it” isn’t sufficient) – that tends to stick with us. Not something we would have expected from Kelbyone. Not sure who’s in charge or how all this happened, but sure would like to know… Same as you would if rolls were reversed. Stay true. Stay blessed… –Rich