It’s Free Stuff Thursday!

15% Off Kelby Training Books and DVDs
Starting today, you can get 15% off all books and DVDs at the Kelby Training Store! All you have to do is use the promo code 15KTB for books or 15KTD for DVDs when you check out. And if you’re buying a book/DVD bundle, either code will work.

This sale goes till January 1, so start your holiday shopping early to make sure your favorite people get that book or DVD they’ve had their eye on :-)

We’re giving away a free book and DVD of your choice, so leave a comment for your chance to win!

50% Off Kelby Training Apps
Not only are our books and DVDs on sale, but so are our apps! For a limited time, you can grab Kelby Training Apps for 50% off. That’s a full class from one of your favorite instructors for just $4.99!

We have two free download codes each for the Lightroom 4 Crash Course and Photoshop CS6 Crash Course apps. Leave a comment for your chance to win!

Kelby Training Live
Photoshop CS6 for Photographers
10/19 - Chicago, IL (with RC Concepcion)
10/29 - Washington, DC (with Scott Kelby)

One Light, Two Light with Joe McNally
11/2 - Philadelphia, PA
11/5 - Tampa, FL

Leave a comment for your chance to win a ticket to one of these seminars!

Worldwide Photo Walk
Just a reminder for everyone who participated in the Worldwide Photo Walk this past Saturday… The last day to submit your best photo to the competition is Monday, October 22. If you haven’t already submitted your photo, make sure you do it soon! All you have to do is go to, log in, go to your Photo Walk page, and upload your photo. RC Concepcion even put together a quick video showing how to do it.

And why wouldn’t you submit a photo? You have nothing to lose, but a chance to win some really cool prizes!

Mpix Tap To Print App
Our friends over at Mpix have just released their FREE Tap To Print iOS app! With this app, you can order 4×6 and 5×7 prints from Mpix straight from your iPhone or iPad! You know all those pictures on your phone are just screaming to get out and be put on display for all to see. So take a few minutes to download the app and get prints of those works of art :-)

Food Photography & Secrets of Great Portrait Photography
Our friends over at New Riders Publishing have just released two great new books: Food Photography & Lighting from Teri Campbell, and Secrets of Great Portrait Photography from Brian Smith!

Lucky for you, we have one copy of each to give away, so leave a comment for your chance to win.

One Light, Two Light Seminar
- Dee Francis

Photoshop CS6 for Photographers Seminar
– Mike Barber

That’s it for today. Have a great Thursday!

  1. I was at RC’s class in Arlington, just bought CS^, waiting for it to arrive, and am blessed that my photography has improved to the point where I can need PS. I give credit for some of that to Kelby Training. the classes there have been helpful. I know its Free Thursday, but I wanted to say thanks for all that the Kelby group and NAPP does. Hopefully I will get deep enough into PS that I will need to take in a Photoshop World event! Rock it, boys!

  2. Brad, it’s so nice to see how much you guys are always giving back to the photography community. I love Scott and all of the people he has surrounded himself by that make up the incredible pool of talent that is Kelby Media. Again Great job!

  3. Wow,would love a chance to win either New Riders Publishing’s “Secrets of Great Portrait Photography” from Brian Smith or Kelby’s “The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 Book for Digital Photographers (Voices That Matter)” by Scott Kelby. Fingers crossed! :)

  4. Put me down for the Portrait Photography book from New Riders, Brad! Can’t wait to see Scott’s tour in Boston in November. Already signed up for it!


  5. I’d love to see Joe McNally again! I had the chance to see him in Buffalo with David Hobby for the Flash Bus tour, and it was a great demonstration. Now that I’m in Philadelphia, I’d love the chance to see him again for his “One Light, Two Light” tour on November 2nd.

  6. Hey Brad & Scott,
    This is off topic, but I can’t help myself. In the last few days I’ve watched the 3 Jay Maisel videos on Kelby Training. The way Jay explains his vision really opened my eyes to a new way of shooting. I appreciated the way Scott would ask questions for the viewer since we aren’t there to ask. However, I couldn’t help but notice the wheels turning inside Scott with the answers Jay gave. Scott you looked like a little kid learning from a master. In fact, it reminds me of me when I go out on Safari with Moose & Joe. I really atttempt to hear everything they say.
    I have a question though. One point Jay talked about ISO and what he keeps his at when shooting. Have you changed your settings to match what he does or have you stayed where you were? It seemed quite high for me, even though he is very correct that you could get the shot in bright light or deep shadows.
    Thanks for putting such excellent stuff on Kelby Training!

  7. Had a great time at my local photo walk! Also looking forward to grabbing a few of those 50% off apps! Not to be greedy, but I’d love either of those books too! :)

  8. Any possibility of a good discount on the Light it Shoot it Retouch it Live discs recorded in Florida for people who attended the event around the world?

  9. Well for the third year in a row I missed the World Wide Photowalk due to family obligations. But I always enjoy seeing the images that everyone submits and I especially enjoy Scott’s picks as I have absolutely no stake in them at all! I’d love to have Brian Smith’s new book as I’m all about trying to improve my portrait skills (seeing as I currently have none that shouldn’t be too hard)

  10. Ohh my god, can´t believe Joe McNally will be at the same time in Tampa as I! OMG It´s like a dream comming true this holidays….smile Departing on monday 29th oct in germany!!!

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