My Lightroom book is finally (finally!) hitting books stores this week. Peachpit had copies for sale at Photoshop World last week, and although sent out an auto-email saying it wouldn’t be in stock until June, it was just one of those crazy “email bot things” and they’ll actually have it any day now (I guess they’re working on sending out a “it’s on its way” bot email maybe as soon as today). So, thanks to everybody who pre-ordered the book (we had record-breaking pre-orders). If you haven’t seen the book yet, you can get a cool interactive look at the layout and feel by going to this site, and checking out this really slick Flash-based look inside the book (a shot of which is shown above). My thanks to Nancy Ruenzel, Scott Cowlin, and everybody at Peachpit Press who worked so hard to make this new book a reality. Way to go!!!! :-)
It’s here! It’s finally here!
Scott Kelby Author
Scott is a Photographer, bestselling Author, Host of "The Grid" weekly photography show; Editor of Photoshop User magazine; Lightroom Guy; CEO; struggling guitarist. Loves Classic Rock and his arch-enemy is Cilantro. Devoted husband, dad to two super awesome kids, and pro-level babysitter to two crazy doggos.