Chicago, here I come!
I’ll be there this coming Tuesday with my “Shoot Like a Pro Tour” and if you’re anywhere in the Chicagoland area you’re invited to come out and spend the day with me (the short video below explains the tour). There’s already over 450 photographers signed up for the day, so if you want to come, reserve your seat right now (it’s $99 for the full day of training; just $79 if you’re a NAPP member). Here’s the link with more info or to sign up. See you on Tuesday the 30th!
P.S. My next tour stops are Seattle on May 23rd and Los Angeles on May 24th.
Review of Photoshop World
It was my buddy Mike Olivella’s first time to Photoshop World, and every time I saw Mike he was like a kid at Christmas. Mike sent me an email yesterday with a link to a review he wrote on his BaseLineShots blog with his full review, lots of photos, and stories. Here’s the link if you’ve got a sec.
If you’re into aviation photography, this is for you!
The International Society of Aviation Photography (ISAP) is holding their annual conference next month (May 16-18) in Seattle and I’ve got to tell you, they put one of the best photography conference anywhere! The shooting access they get, and the quality of instructors (Matt Kloskowski is teaching there this year), and the camaraderie between the attendees makes it really a blast (I’ve been to three of their conferences so far, and I’m an ISAP member as well). Can’t recommend their event enough — absolutely a steal at $275 (if you sign-up before the 26th. Afterward it’s still just $300). Here’s the link with more info.
A big thanks to everybody who follows me on Twitter!
Last week I was psyched to hit 100,000 followers on Twitter, and I wanted to thank everybody there for the follows. I answer a LOT of questions there because the answers can be so short and sweet, so if you’re not following over on Twitter, come on over (here’s the link). Many thanks for the follows everybody!
This weekend? It’s Hockey Workshop Time!
Oh yeah! Hockey baby!!! Our professional hockey photography workshop is on again this weekend! Looking forward to hanging with Scott, Mike, and photographers from all over the world. Can’t wait! #kickice!
My Portfolio Update Continues
I’m still working with portfolio consultant Stella Kramer (link) on my portfolio — will be for a while now (by the way, people like Dave Black and Jack Reznicki had nothing but great things to say about Stella when I saw them at Photoshop World — they had worked with her when she was a magazine photo editor). Tweaked the Sports portfolio some more and I updated my regular portfolio so the background color is white (seen above); then I consolidated Football and Sports into just one category; I consolidated Travel & Landscape into one category (yes, I greatly lowered the number of images in each); and I got rid of the personal category (it lives over on the Sports site). Still lots of work to do, but it’s progressing.
Taping an online class with Peter Read Miller
Late next week (after I get back from my Chicago seminar), I’m spending a day taping an online class for Kelby Training Online with a legend of Sports Photography, long-time Sports Illustrated shooter Peter Read Miller.
I asked Peter to do a very specific class which I think it going to help a lot of shooters out there. He’s going to go sport-by-sport and show exactly “what makes a great sports photo!” For example, if you’re shooting tennis, where should the ball be in the frame (and does it need to be in the frame). If so, what makes the best position; which angles are best, what should your shooting position be, and exactly what are you aiming for during the shoot? (and so on). I took his workshop up in Atlanta and he had some amazing insights into exactly this type of stuff — so much so I thought it would make a brilliant online class, and I can’t wait to hear what he has to share.
I’m pretty much heads down right now on a book project
I know, like always, right? When I write a book I really have to kind of shut everything off and just focus, so if I don’t respond to emails in a timely fashion (or later than usual. LOL!), or I’m about impossible to reach by phone, or if my blog posts go up late for a few weeks (ahem), well, at least you’ll know why.
Thanks everybody, and here’s wishing you a fantastic Tuesday!
I hope you have a very great day writing your book! I can’t wait to hear about it. I love your books. I love that you share with so many. I was sad I had to miss your tour when you were in Philly. My friend went and said it was magnificent. I knew it would be. Wishing you a happy day.
I’m really looking forward to meeting you, Scott Audette and Mike at the hockey workshop this weekend. I’m sure I’ll learn loads from you guys as well as the rest of the photographers coming from all over, not to mention the opportunity to make new friends and network.
I can not even express how excited I am about attending this seminar! Seriously, for the past 5 years, each and every date of the tour, I have been out of town or unable to attend that date. Looking forward to meeting you and looking forward to the next Photoshop World in Vegas. My first one it will be. Sandy
Awesome Sandy!!! I look forward to meeting you in person! :-)
A new book huh? Let me guess, LR5? I just got your book on LR4. How about make a small addendum to LR4 for $5?
Like death and taxes…
Hi Scott, great Portfolio. What is a bit distracting is that only some thumbnails have text underneath them.
My fault. Thanks for the heads-up —- I’ll fix it. :)
Scott, hi. Thanks for letting us watch your portfolio sites evolve. Very helpful and instructive. Question: Why white background? Is there a reason specific to your work, or to general ease of viewing?
At the time, Stella gave a list of really great reasons why Photo Editors greatly prefer a white background, and while I can’t list them, I remember in the middle of her explanation thinking, “Oh yeah, I better change that to white asap.” Sorry I couldn’t help more, but I have the memory retention of a hamster.
Hi Scott. First of all, I love what you do for us photographers, it’s amazing.
I am a viking from Norway, and I would really like to attend your courses.. Could you please visit Scandinavia one time ?
I would love to meet your team, and of course you.
By the way, you have made my skills expand huge!
Is it OK if I send Matt? He’s teaching in Norway this summer. :)
Actually, it’s great. But the price is 500$, and the only thing worth seeing is of course Matt! :)
I hope you and your team comes to Norway, my learning curve since I bought a membership on Kelbytraining has been huge. I am sure I am one of your biggest “brag about Kelbytraining” customers in Norway.
By the way, you cost me a lot of money, cause I always end up buying stuff you recommend, and let’s face it; you recommend me a lot :-)
Anyway, thank you again, for your effort on making us all good photographers.
Ya just never seem to make it this far North to the Detroit area… Well, heres’ hoping.
You have some new uniforms to shoot this coming season over in Miami.. That’s something to look forward to.
Scott, when you first set up your Smugmug site you really wanted the horizontal scrolling galleries. Why the change back to thumbnails?
Hi Adam: I didn’t like the way it looked and worked on mobile devices, so I kinda had to change.
I’m proud to be one of the 214 being followed by Scott!!!