Hi Gang: Since I’ll be at Photoshop World this week, I wanted to give you a quick update on what to expect here on the blog this week:
(1) Each day we’ll be posting images from Photoshop World here on the blog, but of course, it doesn’t start until morning EST, so I hope you’ll check back later in the day to see the images from the event as it unfolds.
(2) No Guest Blogger this week, as Wednesday is the opening day of the conference. Lots of photos thought, and you can follow the Photoshop World keynote live blog over at PhotoshopWorld.com
(3) We have a live blog from the opening keynote, so if you want to “Share the love” with Nancy and crew (in the Morning Zoo!) then follow this link on Wednesday morning starting around 8:45 am EDT.
(4) This isn’t exactly Photoshop World related, but I’ve posted some behind-the-scenes shots from my Boston “Light It, Shoot It, Retouch It Tour” on my Facebook page (here’s the link). Just a quick heads up: My Minneapolis and Chicago tour dates look like they’ll be sold out this week, so if you were thinking of going (and I hope you do), better sign up quick. Here’s the link (hope I’ll see you there!). Also, I’ll be in Indianapolis on Wednesday, April 6th, and there are still a few seats left if you want to snag one.
(5) If you’re anywhere near Photoshop World, don’t forget to go to the site and get your FREE Expo Floor pass. Lots of vendors, classes on the show floor, demos, and goodies to be had!
That’s it for now gang. If you’re going to Photoshop World, make sure you stop me and say “hi.” Have a great week everybody, and don’t forgot to stop by here and catch some of the action. :)
Scott, sure hate I’m can’t be in Orlando this week.
Got to quit typing so fast. 8-)
It’s only an 8 hour drive and you could visit the Expo floor.
Counting down! My bags are packed, I’m ready to go…..
Gonna hate all these PSW updates :p
Wish I was there, can’t wait for Vegas!!!
– Brandon
I’m with you Brandon, September will be here before we know it. I know, however, that I’ll be keeping up with the Photoshop World updates all day.
And I am part of Nancy’s morning zoo!! stay tuned!
I’m here already in Florida and I can’t wait!!! This is my first Photoshop World conference and I am counting down the hours until my pre-conference class tomorrow.
This is my First Photoshop World also. I will look forward to meeting you and all the other Photoshop users over the next few days.
The Magnificent Seven – selected PSW bloggers by Tom C. – will be out and about at PSW! See you there!
I have been looking forward to this for a long time! I can’t wait!
I was feeling really uneasy about teaching a class all day tomorrow here in Atlanta and then driving the 8 hours alone at night. I’m usually comatose by the end of those teaching days, and I just couldn’t shake the bad vibe. I’ve rescheduled and I’ll see you guys in Vegas. I’m looking forward to following everything online. Have a great week!
Hi Scott,
Since I’ll be 65 later this year, I thought it might be appropriate to suggest that you give senior citizen discounts to future Photoshop World conferences.
Sounds so awesome – Photoshop World! Florida! Orlando! :D