It’s Pimpy Thursday!

Hey gang, Brad here, fresh off a plane from Toronto, to give you this week’s pimpy stuff :)

Light It. Shoot It. Retouch It. Hands-On!
Want to enjoy Scott Kelby’s Light It. Shoot It. Retouch It. seminar with hands-on experience? You’ll have the opportunity when he takes part in the Dave Cross Workshops on July 29 in Tampa, FL! Scott will walk attendees through multiple lighting setups, and they’ll have the opportunity to photograph models using those setups, then walk through retouching their photos as Scott guides them along.

This workshop is limited to 16 participants, so head on over to Dave Cross Workshops for all the info and to sign up!

The Grid
If you’re a fan of our industry talk show, The Grid, help us spread the word about the show’s new time slot – Wednesdays at 4pm Eastern. Tweet it, blog it, Facebook it, send out carrier pigeons, whatever you want to do to help us get the word out :)

A huge part of what makes the show special is that you, the viewers, are really at the heart of the show.  We love hearing your comments, questions, and feedback, because they add a new dimension and plenty of viewpoints to each discussion that we wouldn’t have otherwise.

And, of course, you can always subscribe on iTunes if you’re unable to tune in live.
RC Concepcion’s latest class, Protecting Your Images Online, was just added to the’s ever-growing library of training courses! RC walks you through metadata, watermarking, copyright registration, and everything else you need to know in order to protect your images from online theft.

Photoshop World Vegas
I am truly pumped about Photoshop World Vegas! Have you seen some of the new instructors who will be there? Joel Grimes, Vincent Laforet, Jeremy Cowart, and Dave Black will all be teaching brand new classes this fall, including new pre-conference workshops on Light Painting and HDSLR Movie Making!

Before you register, check out the Gimme 4 and Lucky Number 7 promos for great deals and bonuses.

That’s it for today. Have a great Thursday!

  1. Hey Guys,
    The Hands on Light it Shoot it Retouch it with Scott in Tampa sounds great, but it’s at a time when I absolutely can’t make it. Scott, will you be doing this one again any time in the future?
    As for the Seminar of the same class. I see you’ve scheduled a Houston date. Is there any plans for the Dallas or OKC area?
    See ya,

  2. Scott & Brad,
    I may be wrong but according to a lot of “chatter” on twitter, there were some “regulars” missing from The Grid on the Wed show. I know you guys have tight schedules but please consider a change back to Tuesday (or Mon). I don’t think I’m the only one that would like to see this. If there is anyone else who agrees, please comment. If you can’t you know I’ll watch the archive!
    I am pumped about Vegas, can’t wait for PSW!
    Sincerely, KT

    1. Ken, this has to be the longest comment I’ve ever seen you post here. Scott, can you feel how passionate he is about this topic??


    2. Hey Ken,

      Sorry, we held Scott captive up in Toronto yesterday and forced him to do his Light It, Shoot It, Retouch It Live stuff for the Canadian folk. OK, he was there willingly and he rocked a sold out crowd. Fun time had by all.



  3. Hey Guys

    You posted the ‘Gimme 4’ promo dated today well it expired. It was only good between July 1st til the July 4th. Is there an error or what?

  4. Scott:

    I’m jumping on the date/time change bandwagon with Ken. It’s certainly not for personal reasons, as Wednesdays would probably be a day off for me in the future. I missed the broadcast yesterday, but as I looked through the #thegridlive hashtag posts, it did seem that the volume of comments were less than usual. Maybe it was because you weren’t there for the broadcast, but I think the date/time change really affected the attendance. Brad’s plea for getting the word out on the change seems to back this up.

    Compare it to your favorite TV show being bumped around to a different day and time. It always loses viewers! The Grid has been awesome to watch, but in its rookie season, it’s been on Monday @ 12 PM & 12:30 PM, Tuesday @ 12 PM, and Wednesday @ 4 PM, along with a 4 week break thrown in there. Tough to keep a regular audience for an established show with those changes, never mind a new show, but it’s the same problem that the TV networks run into. I’m glad the show is archived, but nothing beats watching it live. I know Monday must be a hectic day around Kelby Media after a weekend, so maybe Tuesday might be a better day to broadcast. I think that even Ken could watch @ 4 PM that day!

    The new RC class on Kelby Training sounds really good. I’ll be sure to check it out. And how CAKB is it that you’re doing a 16 person workshop @ Dave’s studio! I don’t think you’ll have a problem filling those slots! 8)


      1. William:

        I think that that was because 1) it was the first new episode in a month, 2) it was at the regular TIME, and 3) Joe McNally was the guest. I don’t think the day has a huge bearing on how many people attend the Twitter feed, but I bet the time does! I hope more people chime in on this.


  5. only to say…

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Scott!!!!

    How I can remember your Birthday??? Because it’s also mine!!

    “Born July 7th”…seems “close” to a movie title!!! ;-)

    Buon Compleanno

  6. Hi Guys – I am in the same boat as Harold – i went to see the Gimme 4 and Lucky 7 promos and both are expired. i even called into Napp and they confirmed that. Is there a new one now? Oh and by the way, Scott was amazing in Toronto yesterday – we Canucks loved him. Happy birthday Scott!!!

      1. Yes I am – I have my airplane ticket and hotel all booked – can’t wait!! Just saw Scott in Toronto and he is amazing live. Was going to sign up with one of the deals but i thought I’d ask first.

      2. Will be at PSW Vegas this fall and it’s my 4th PSW.
        1st time for Vegas.

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