Last week, on my way to work, I returned a call from my buddy Joe McNally. Joe answers and we BS for just a minute, and then he tells me that he can’t really talk long because he’s in the middle of doing a book signing at Borders Bookstore. Of course, I apologize for interrputing his signing, but he says, “Hold on a for a sec” and then I hear the sound of shutter buttons. He tells me he just had a photo taken of him during the signing, because he wanted me to see that right behind him was a display with both my and Matt Kloskowski’s books (you can see the orange corner of my Lightroom book behind Joe’s shoulder, in the shots above by Stephen Hindley).
Anyway, I told him I’d let him go, but before I hung up, I asked him, “Which Borders are you in?” thinking he’d say he was in Connecticut or New York, but he says, “I’m in the Mall of the Emirates, in Dubai.” I was floored, especially since I had just been in that same exact store, in that same exact mall, just two weeks earlier. What a small world, eh?
Then, after I hung up and continued on my way to work, it hit me. “Hey, how come I didn’t get to do a book signing when I was in Dubai?” (I know. I know. It’s because I’m not Joe McNally. I totally understand). :-)
Anyway, I thought it was such a cool thing that Joe got to do this (he was teaching over there at the Gulf Photo Plus Conference at the time), and that the people of Dubai think as highly of Joe’s work over there as we do here in the States.