Join Matt and Me For a Live Webinar on my “Portrait Retouching Book for Photographers” This Thursday

My new book, “Professional Portrait Retouching Techniques for Photographers,” just debuted at Photoshop World and I’ve had a lot of questions about the book, what it covers, and how it does it, so we’re hosting a retouching book shindig later this week.

You’re invited to join Matt and me for this free online webinar (a Web-seminar if you will), where I’ll be sharing some of my favorite techniques from the book, and I’ll be taking your questions about the book, and portrait retouching in general, live on the air.

When: This Thursday, April 14th at 3:00 pm EDT
Where: Click this link to register now for free

Be sure to register now for a chance to win some prizes and sign up for a reminder in the liveblog window to the right. Then, join us on the 14th at 3pm EST. See you there!

And if you haven’t already picked it up, you can order the book from Amazon, B&N, or Kelby Training right now (it’s in stock. Well, it was when I posted this anyway).

  1. Hey Scott, I just got the book today and have spent the last few hours working through the chapters. It’s AWESOME and thank you for writing another amazing book. I have question regarding tattoos and wanted to know how to approach retouching the tattooed covered skin to get great detail of the tattoo and while softening the skin. Thanks!

  2. Scott:

    Will you be talking about retouching eyes? You kind of skimped on that subject in your book! I mean, you could have devoted a little more time to the eyes than 80 pages! Sheesh! :D

    Great book, btw. I’m about 1/2 way through it now (reading that and Moose’s book at the same time) and the techniques you demonstrate are really clear and consise. And it’s one of those books where you can jump in at any point to find a way to do precisely what needs to be retouched.

    Should be a fun webinar. Remind Matt to stay away from Photomatix for this broadcast, though. You can’t apply HDR to everything!


    1. John,

      Glad to hear you like the book; I ordered a copy at Chicago’s LISIRI last week.

      I agree, I’m not sure 80-some pages can completely cover the eyes. ;)

      – Kev

  3. Scott,

    Will this be available after the live showing, as well? I plan to be there for when it starts, but I will miss part of it to pick up my daughter from school.

  4. Another great book Scott. I have paged through a good bit of it since it arrived on my doorstep last Saturday. I have to admit how happy I am that you thanked our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the acknowledgement section of the book. So great to see how grounded you are and that you know where it all comes from. I would like to echo Kevins question about the webinar being available after the live showing?

  5. Got my copy today. Another wonderful Kelby “how to” book with clear and concise (hard to do – just read other authors!) instructions on powerful and effective techniques. Congratulations and well done!
    I would request an additional lesson on digital dieting/ love handle reduction for needy Americans. How about putting something like that on this blog?

  6. See you there :)
    Still waiting for your new book to become available in the Amazon UK store having ordered the iPad (Kindle) version but from what I’ve seen and heard so far it’s sure to be a winner!


  7. Hi Scott, I had pre ordered the book through Kindle books on and just found out its MORE EXPENSIVE then the printed copy! This is a total rip off! I have cancelled the digital copy and intend to buy the paper copy when its in my local store. Why is it more expensive digitally when the delivery method costs next to ZERO?

  8. Saturday morning here in UK, and the book has just dropped through the door after Amazon UK telling me I wouldn’t get it till end of May. Very happy as this just what I’ve been waiting for Scott, couple of pages in and it’s pure class as are all your books!! Thanks!

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