Professional Food Photography with Joe Glyda Now Online
We just had an online class “go live” this week that I’m particularly excited about; it’s Joe Glyda’s class on Professional Food Photography. Joe is a terrific teacher (if you’ve ever caught Joe during one of his sessions at Photoshop World you know what I mean), and he’s got some really great techniques in his new class. Here’s the link with all the details (NOTE: If you’re not a Kelby Training Online subscriber, you can still watch the first couple of segments by following that link). ALSO: I did a quick little video from the production set of Joe’s class to give some background on the class and what he’s teaching, and you can watch that short clip right here.
Next Stop For My Lightroom 2 Live Tour: Detroit
Well, it’s actually Livonia, Michigan, so it’s the greater Detroit area, but it’s going to be a great day (I take you all the through my actual workflow from start to finish), and I hope you can join me for my first Lightroom event in Michigan ever! Here’s the link for more details or to reserve your seat (it’s only $99—or $79 is you’re a NAPP member).
Model Releases for Photographers Class Now Online
Jack and Ed are back with a fantastic online class on when and why you need to have model releases, what they need to cover, and a host of things you’ve probably never considered, but if you shoot portraits of anybody—you’ll definitely need to know. Absolutely invaluable info! Here’s the link to view the lessons.
McNally’s Next Off-Camera Lighting Tour Stop is Washington DC
That’s right—the same one-day Off-Camera Flash workshop that Joe McNally sold out in San Francisco weeks early, is now headed to Washington DC on Friday, October 23rd. People are still talking about Joe’s San Francisco workshop, and I hope you’ll be able to snag one of the available spots for his day there (seating is limited, and filled on a first-come, first-served basis). Here’s the link for more info.
Next Stop For the Photoshop Down & Dirty Tricks Tour is Houston, Texas!
Brilliant Photoshop trainer and author of the “Photoshop WOW” book series Jack Davis is taking our Photoshop Down & Dirty One Day Workshop to Houston, Texas on Wednesday, September 23rd for a day of nothing but the hottest Photoshop special effects. Here’s the link for all the details (by the way; Jack totally rocks, and it was his original WOW! book series that got me hooked on Photoshop special effects. If you get a chance to learn from Jack in person—don’t miss it!).
What’s Coming Up Next in Online Classes
We’re welcoming a new photographer to our online teaching faculty when James (Jim) Schmelzer’s first online class goes live next week on creating Senior Portraits. I’ve been a fan of Jim’s teachings for a few years now (I have at least two of his DVDs on lighting), and I thought so much of his style and delivery, that I asked him to share his lightning and posing techniques in a series of online classes, and his first one just hits it right out of the park! If you’re into the growing Senior Portrait market, you’ve gotta see his class when it goes live next week at Kelby Training Online.
I know a lot of you have been asking about when my first “Light it, Shoot it, Retouch It” online class will be available at Kelby Training Online and the good news is; it’s set to follow the week after Jim’s class, so it won’t be long now. I’ve done three of these Light it, Shoot it, Retouch it, classes, and after the first one goes live, we’ll be working on finishing the 2nd and 3rd classes. I’ll let you guys know as soon as it’s up and running.
New Training DVDs Now Available
Everybody likes to learn a different way; some of our students like to learn online; some through books, some in live seminars, and some like to own DVDs of the classes themselves and the good news is; some of our most popular classes are now available as DVDs, including Moose Peterson’s very popular Yosemite Big Game Photography class, and Matt Kloskowski’s popular “Mastering Layers in Photoshop CS4” class. You can find both (and all our other DVDs) right here.
That’s it for this Kelby Training Update. I’ll let you know when the new stuff goes live! :)