I am so excited about this personal project! It’s a photo collaboration between Kalebra and I (she comes up with the concept, and does the art direction and styling, and I do the lighting, shooting and retouching), and I can’t wait to share the first shot in the series with you today.
The whole story; the final image; and lots of behind-the-scenes shots (along with camera and lighting details) are over at this link.
Thanks so much for checking it out. I can’t wait to shoot #2 in the series! (more details to come).
Hope you have an awesome Tuesday!
So awesome, Scott! Loved all the behind the scenes shots on Exposure. You and Kalebra make quite a team (but you already knew that)! How many songs are going to be in the series? Will this be another book? :-) Are you taking requests? Throw in some Chicago and Sade, will ya?
Have a happy Thanksgiving! One of my favorite holidays to spend with family and friends.
I’ve been tempted to start something like that. Yes I’m not a professional but, Your project may have nudge me a bit closer to starting.
I love that you shot this with affordable flashes and soft boxes. It is a testament to the fact that creativity is what creates the images, not gear. You don’t need thousands of dollars in studio equipment to shoot powerful location shots. Well done my friend!