It’s #TravelTuesday and I, Dave Williams, am here as always, this week reporting to you from Arctic Norway.
The topic of the day is life experiences. I close each of my YouTube videos by saying one simple line which holds so much meaning.
“Once in a lifetime as often as you can”
The way I see it, we should all be seeking unique experiences and opportunities on the daily. Life is a roller coaster, and we can feed the ‘ups’ to raise us from the downs. It’s all in our power to control or, at the very least, to give ourselves the best chances.
One such example is the reindeer I met recently. This was an adventure in the name of photography, but an incredible life experience and one to add to the ‘once in a lifetime’ list.

The whole point of this visit to the reindeer was to network and scout locations for a series of photo workshops I’ll be leading here next winter, but the opportunity to photograph the owner of the reindeer with her herd popped up. Not only was I able to wander the paddock alone, getting to know the reindeer so they’d remember me for my next visit with a group, but also having the opportunity to photograph some interaction was simply a beautiful moment.

Todays message is that I would love you all to do likewise. I’d love you to use your photography not only to make amazing photos, but to have amazing experiences as well. Think outside of the photography, outside of the camera, and have the best time in tandem with it.
We all have one shot. We get one ride. Make the most of it. Once in a lifetime as often as you can.
Much love