“Light it” Magazine Now Available on iPad Newsstand (plus, now you can subscribe)

OK, it took us a long, long, long time to get this all working, and approved by Apple, but I’m happy to announce that Light It Magazine (our how-to magazine for hot shoe and studio lighting) is now available in the Apple Newstand on your iPad, and you can now subscribe there as well (A one-year subscription; 8 issues, is $19.95 [about $2.50 an issue]).

To access it via Newsstand, first get the latest free update to our app (Version 1.2) from the App store and your app icon will move from it’s current location) and subscriptions ($19.99 for 8 issues) are now available! Since the subscription service is new (and lots of readers already have issues 1-5) the subscription starts with the most recent issue, which is issue 5. (Issue 6 is on the way!). :)

Thanks to everybody who helped to make this magazine launch such a success — in fact, we’re currently working on a version for Android tablets, and as soon as we have fairly firm a launch date, I’ll be sure to let you know.

>> Here’s the link to download the App.

>> Here’s our support page with more details on the update.

>> Here’s the magazine’s Facebook page link.

  1. Great news on the subscription model, Scott. That makes a lot of sense, plus a bit of a cost savings too ( although from what I hear, you get more than your monies worth already!)

    Will the Android app be on a subscription basis as well, or is too early in the development cycle to tell?


  2. Hi Scott 
    i have suggestion for the app, 
    it would  be nice to see the cover of the rpevious edition without having to pay so we can decide from the contents if we want to buy that edition or not.

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