Another amazing walk is in the record books. Over one thousands cities around the world coming together as one big community to share our passion for photography and people. What an incredibly fun day!
I still am amazed after I return from leading my walk (this year, in Tarpon Springs, Florida at their famous Sponge Docks, part of a wonderful Greek community that has blossomed in the Tarpon Springs area), when I sit back and watch all the reports and photos coming in from every part of the world. It just simply boggles my mind, and puts a huge smile on my face to know that we all shared in something really special on Saturday. Millions of photos were made that day that never would have been made, and lots of new friends were made along the way, which is what it’s really all about. (Photo below, taken during the walk, by Jose Ramos).
Catch My Free Online Class Just For Photo Walk Participants
I’m doing a FREE online class about photography and my Lightroom 3 editing workflow, and everyone that participated in the walk is invited (look for the details in your email by tomorrow).
Don’t worry; if you can’t make the workshop at 10:00 am, we’ll repost the entire session for free so you can watch it when you want (but we’ll be taking your questions live during the live webcast).
Here are some of the shots (above) I took during the walk, and I’ll be going over my editing of those very images during the Webcast on Wednesday. Hope you can make it.
This, I Didn’t See Coming
I was blessed with a really great group of people, and the heat didn’t totally kill us because we had a decent cloud cover most of the time. The people of Tarpon Springs couldn’t have been more accommodating—leading us to points of interest, posing for us, inviting us in their historical buildings and shops to take photos—-it really was a wonderful experience. But this, I didn’t see coming.
Yup, that’s about a 10 foot Albino Boa Constrictor snake my photo walkers are photographing above. There was a small aquarium near the end of my walk route, and one of the snake handlers at the aquarium had this puppy outside in the back parking lot sunning himself, and he invited us to take some shots.
Here he is again (above), thinking he’s found a mate in a coiled up water hose.
Here’s one of my walkers above using a Gorilla Pod rig to shoot some HDR shots during the walk. The area we shot in had lots of rusty old boats, and old buildings and such, so it was an HDR shooter’s paradise.
I have no idea what she was shooting (above), but it must have been worth it. Maybe it was a baby Albino snake. ;-)
That’s one of our many tables at the incredible Hellas Greek Restaurant, our walk ending spot, where we had authentic Greek food that totally rocked! (photo above by Jose Ramos).
Send Me Your Group Shots and Video Links
Tomorrow I’ll be posting group shots and videos from all around the world, so if you haven’t already sent me your group shot (or video link), just post it here on the blog, and I’ll download the image and post it tomorrow.
Link to the Group flickr Pool
Want to see some of the amazing photos pouring in from all over the world—check out the flickr group pool right here. (Also, if you were a part of walk, don’t forget to post some of your shots to your local flickr group page). :)
On Twitter search for Hashtag #WWPW
It’s wild to see all the comments posted during live photo walks from every corner of the globe.
- My thanks to everyone who attended my walk in Tarpon Springs, and who participated in other walks around the world. I really had a lot of fun, and I hope you did, too!
- A big, big thanks to all the volunteers who organized and led walks around the world (We couldn’t have done it without you). A special thanks to the walk leaders in China (last year, we didn’t have a single walk in China).
- Also, a thanks to my book Publisher Peachpit Press, for their major support of this event, also to Adorama, our Platinum Sponsor, and to all the sponsors who pitched in to make this a very special day for photographers around the globe.
Hey, whatdayasay we do another one next year? ;-)
Great fun yesterday — can’t wait for next year!
Great photos, Scott! I was glad to hear you had fun on your walk yesterday, too. Our group had a wonderful time and being together with like-minded photo enthusiasts is awesome. We are even planning an additional photo walk this fall in our area because we don’t want to wait for a whole year until the next one. Thank you for starting the Worldwide Photo Walk–you certainly have supportive fans here in Pennsylvania!
Had lot of fun all along my photowalk. Love to repeat next year
Any thought to having walks more often? I’d love to participate in photo walks throughout the year, great way to see the city and meet other folks who love photography.
Perhaps a camera club activity?
You should organize impromptu Photowalk on your own…I have done a couple, every time brings out new walkers.
I am always telling people about You sign up for free.. list your hobby and zip code.. and you can find TONS of groups out there to do some walking with.. I started my own group at and you’d be surprised how fast your social schedule can fill up!
We all joined a new guild here in Spartanburg and we are having another walk next couple weeks (we’re hooked)
Hey Scott,
Had a FANTASTIC day here at the Windsor, UK Photo Walk; great weather, great turnout, great folks and plenty of laughs…couldn’t have asked for more :)
We managed to grab a passerby and thrust my iPhone in his hands for a group photo, and that along with a video from the day can be seen over on my blog at: under the ‘It’s not about the photography, it’s about the people’ heading.
Best wishes to you and yours,
Glyn :)
Hi Scott,
FYI our group shot can also be found in our Flickr stream here:
Do you Imovie for your videos? They are great and I’m trying to learn some editing now that I have a D3s.
Hi Scott,
Thanks for organizing the yearly event. We had so much fun at our walk, here in Cape Town and were surprised by the kindness of the Cape Town Stadium staff to allow us into the stadium, when a walker asked, if we can get in.
Our pictures can be viewed here:
Our group shot:
can be found here:
Hey Scott, here’s our group picture from Fairhope, Alabama photo walk.
We had a great time in Juarez, Mexico. Here’s the group shoot, with some people missing, because they had to leave earlier.
As you can see, we had all special shirts and caps for the walk.
Also, we were really lucky, because we will be in the local news next monday. You can watch the video here (in spanish though)
Finally, we’ll be having a show with the photowalk next september!!!
Hi, Scott. Thanks for the very inspiring Photo Walk. We had a blast and enjoyed our company and fine weather. Here’s the link to our Group Photos,
San Juan, Puerto Rico!
Flickr Page:
Group photo:
Thanks for organizing this again, Scott. I went with V to Downtown Cocoa Village. It was the same place we did our walk 2 years ago so it was challenging to not take the same pictures again this year. I told V we should have it later in the year next time. That way it won’t be so darn hot and those lucky to be in places with 4 seasons may actually get some cool Fall weather shots.
Hope you’re doing well. Give me a call some time if you want to hang out.
Hey Scott many thanks from Rybnik, Poland. I wish you were here. Our group picture:
Best wishes. See ya next year ;)
We had so much fun, and it went off without a hitch. we had 4 or 5 more show up late and didn’t make our photo. we also got many to join a photoclub already in progress and we will be doing regular walks too! Heres the group:
Or Flickr Group:
Hi Scott. We had an awesome Walk in the rain here in munich. Here is the Link to the Video Shot by our videographers team joining the walk. Ewalis Emotions! Great Folks!
Greetings from Munich
Great video Ingoman, very pro!!
thanks ken!
Here is our shot from our Tokyo Walk. I am from LA but I was here on a business trip and since I had a tripod I ended up taking the group shot. it’s a lot of pressure shooting so many photographers. “everybody ok with f8?”
Ha! I blew our group shot… That’s why I’m the leader!
We had a great walk in Antwerp, belgium!
Here’s a shot of (part of) the group as we started our trip going down under the city’s main river:
and a more ‘classic’ group picture:
Our group picture can be found here:
It was the first time Tarragona (Spain) joined the Worldwide Photowalk (and the will repeat as long as you decide to repeat the years to come).
G’Day! We had a great winter walk, overcast skies and not a breath of wind! A smallish group but I actually preferred that to the larger group I participated with last year in a different city. First time for our city and my first time leading a group. I had such a ball and so very glad I decided to take the plunge and lead one this year. Everyone was so appreciative of the little photo I had printed for everyone of our route (so no one would get lost) and instructions for after the walk were on the back.
Link for our group photo:
Should Scott have 2 Photowalks so each hemisphere gets to do both summer and winter???
Hi Scott:
First ever Photo Walk in Dubuque, Iowa – WOW we had so much fun and made so many new friends who all have the same passion for photography. The local newspaper sent a reporter and photographer on the walk with us and had a big spread in the Sunday paper.
We had major rains and flooding in our area, which prevented some of our walkers from getting there (fighting water in their basements) but 30 minutes before the walk started it quit raining and turned sunny and beautiful.
The group had so much fun that they want me to organize a Fall Colors Walk, which I intend to do. Thank you again for allowing me to organize this event.
Dave Updegraff
Greenport NY!
I really good friend of mine has a glass shop out there.. John Jude!
If you’re in the area.. tell him RC said hello!!
Here’s a group shot from the Danbury CT group. Everyone had a good time. Saw someof the shots as people were chimping ar lunch. Saw a couple that could be contenders. Great day, hot day, rain never materialized. Several people were asking to do more walks.
As people said to me, Thanks for organizing this.
Scott this was my first year at a photo walk and I had a great time. I had recently watched your video on Kelby Training doing a photo walk in New York. So I took one lens with me and just shot what I could with it. I found it very interesting having to think through a shot vs. just switching lenses.
It was a great day and I look forward to my next photo walk as well as yours next year.
Here’s the Salmon, Idaho group.
Hi Scott,
I hosted 2 walks just south of you. 1 in Ft. Myers Beach and the other in Naples. Had a great time and a very good turnout. Thank for all you do. Group photos on my smugmug site via my website. More photos will be going up over the next couple days as the walkers get them to me.
Group photo:
Scott, Your Photo Walk is tops, billions of pixels ‘archived’ Saturday, even the weather broke in our favor as we explored the Devonian Fossli Gorge that was uncovered by massive floods in ’93.
Anxious to get the video on setting up our Flickr group, can’t imagine how to do that without email addresses of walkers?
Best Pixels,
Hi Scott,
I wasn’t the leader of our group, but we had a Great Time at Mt. Evans in Colorado! Our leader Bruce will be sending in the group photo. If you don’t know, Mt. Evans in around 14, 145 feet above sea level. We have some 50 odd peaks in the Colorado Rockies that are 14,000 feet or more. We refer to them as 14’ers.:-). We got great shows of the Rockies, mountain goats, marmots, Echo Lake, Summit Lake and the Bristlecone Pines (Over 4,000 years old)! It was a blast! Thanks again for putting this on! You’re the greatest!
Looks like a great walk. Looks like it is time to lay off the double cheese burgers and get on that tread mill. yes i am a bitch but love your shows. Keep smiling it is infectious.
My second attempt ever at time lapse. From the Sanford, Florida group.
We had a fantastic time in Fredericton NB, Canada. The weather managed to cooperate, and we got a broad scope of great images. We had a small group, but with a diverse range of skills and equipment. This was a lovely opportunity to meet fellow photographers in town.
Our group shot was taken with us posed in front of a camera obscura installation. I think it’s an amusing contrast to shoot a second-century inspired contraption with a 24-70 f2.8 on a D300s sitting on carbon fibre Gitzo legs ;-)
It was a HOT and STEAMY day here on Staten Island. Temp was 90 when we started and about 97 by the end (heat index was over 100) We had a great bunch of people making the 2 mile walk along the SI waterfront, though there was not a great deal of ship activity. Most of us made it to the end and air conditioned R.H. Tugs Restaurant.
Our group shot
Flickr Group
Hi Scott,
Great time Saturday. Here is our group shot from the Providence, RI Photo Walk.
Our group in Manteo, North Carolina:
An excellent time – thank you!
Hi Scott,
Our Omaha Nebraska group shot can be found here.
Here is our group pic from Cumberland, Maryland
Had a great time on the PhotoWalk in Provincetown with Jeff Lovinger (of Lovinger Gallery in Ptown) as our leader. Decided to make the day of it so after 3 hours of photographic fun, the group had lunch at the Lobster Pot and then me and my girlfriend did the 2PM whale watch (yes, for more photography!) and then great dinner at Front St. When leaving the restaurant I saw a couple of girls at the bar and one of them had on the Scott Kelby PhotoWalk t-shirt. Turns out she did the walk in Hyannis and then ended up out in Ptown.
It was so much fun meeting so many people with similar interests. I am blown away by all the pictures on Flickr and it made me wish I could have been on a lot of the other photowalks on Saturday as well!
Here in Columbia, SC we had temps over 100 degrees! But we braved the heat and had a fantastic day of shooting and socializing.
Here’s our group shot.
Saw that Scott’s group got lucky to see a snake! We stumbled upon a bridal portrait session that the photographer let some of us jump in and shoot.
Pretty tough to be a bride outsite at noon with 100 degree heat though!
Little Ol’ Kissimmee, Florida represented very well. I believe everyone had a blast. I sure did. Thanks Scott!
The group: and the pool:
Scott, the group shot for the Cincinnati leg can be found here:
The Whole set can be seen here:
Hey Scott, Another successful event pulled off all around the world. That’s pretty impressive!
Here is the group photo from my Portland, OR-Oaks Park Amusement Park walk.
Oops…try this link instead…
Hey Laurie, you need to get a gravatar!!
Laurie…I’m going to have to plan a west coast trip just to go on your walk and hang out with you!
Hey Scott,
We had a fantastic day in downtown Los Angeles as we made our way through Little Tokyo and over to the Walt Disney Center. Here is our group shot:
Thanks again Scott. We really look forward to this event EVERY year!
Hey Scott,
I had a great time on Saturday. Thanks for hosting such a great event!
5 weeks and counting. See ya in Vegas my friend!
Hi Scott !
Best regards from Dunajska Streda, SLOVAKIA. Our walk was the only one is Slovakia. The weather was a little bit windy, but it was sunny. Everybody enjoyed the Photowalk. We would like to participate next year also.
Here is our groupshot:
Thats AWESOME!!!! Slovakia!!!!
Hi Scott,
Had a great time on the Fredericksburg, VA photowalk. Not sure if I got any keepers but it is always good to stretch my photographic legs. Interesting article in today’s Washington Post about photographers and their run-ins with police. Hope this stuff didn’t happen to the DC photowalkers Saturday.
Hey Scott. Another successful Photo Walk, right?
Here’s the link to the grounp shot of my walk here in São Paulo, Brazil:
You can see our shots here in uor Flickr Group:
Congrats for everything!
It’s great to be a part of history. I have to say, I had the best group in the world.
Over 100 degrees and not a complaint from the bunch.
It’s great to be a part of history. I have to say, I had the best group in the world in Chesapeake City, MD USA.
Over 100 degrees and not a complaint from the bunch.
Another Maryland group – Fells Point right outside of Baltimore MD. It was hot, but we had a great time! Looking forward to doing this again next year.
Here we are in Buffalo, NY down in the Erie Basin Marina and Naval Park!
Yet another amazing Photo Walk! Thanks so much for creating this opportunity for us to play and stretch our skills and legs! :)
Thanks for another great event Scott!
Our group in Greensboro, NC also braved the over 100 degree temps. Here is a funny shot of some of our group posing with a park sign that suggests that all photographers must have permission to shoot before we do. What a joke! We had a great time!
It’s such a pity I couldn’t attend one of the Walks, it seems everyone had a blast. I say we do another one next year! :-)
Thank you, thank you, thank you Scott. It was on the Worldwide Photo Walk last year that the idea for putting together our own photo community ( was born. Since then, we have been holding photo walks every month and our community continues to grow. We’ve also started a podcast and so far have interviewed Gene Higa and David duChemin with more great guests coming up. To think, it all started with an afternoon holding a camera…pretty cool.
Here’s our group shot. We had several show up after, giving us a total of between 75-80! So fun…
Thanks for setting this up again, Scott! Each year they keep getting better … I led the walk in SLC again this year and we had a great time. Here’s are links to our group shot on Flickr: &
Scott, here’s one from Melaka, Malaysia
Just wanted to thank Bob Adams who was the leader of the Photo Walk in Riverside, California. Bob arranged to have places open up just for our group, and permit us access to places where people just aren’t allowed to go – let alone shoot. Fifty super people participated in our walk, had a late lunch together, and then went to another Photo Walk to support their group. Thanks to Bob, it was an amazing event – and I can’t wait to see what Bob comes up with next year.
Great job in choosing Bob Adams for our leader. He’s such an amazing guide – and sharing teacher.
Here’s the link for the Portland, OR Oaks Park group (there were 5 Portland, OR walks, have to be specific), led by Laurie Excell and Sharon O’Keefe:
For the 3rd year in a row, Laurie did an awesome job – and Sharon’s idea to do it at the amusement park was a great idea!
Thanks for setting this up again, Scott! Each year they keep getting better … I led the walk in SLC again this year and we had a great time. Here’s the link to our group shot on Flickr:
(Sorry for the double-comment … I think my other one is in limbo from adding two links to it!) :), folks, – see RC’s reply to the 4th post.
If you don’t find interesting photo groups already in existence in your town, start one. They’re a great place to meet and shoot with like-minded folks.
I participated in Cathy Modica’s great Photo Walk at the great Wild Animal Park near San Diego, CA. She arranged for some special access and animal encounters and she must have a special relationship with some of the critters because we had awesome activity! A good day………
Hey Scott – here’s Ottawa’s (The Market) Group shot:
Lots of room at the bottom to ‘shop in some text if wanted ;)
Were getting a news release in our local paper about the event and i’ll email you the link so you can see it.
Hope this works, From:
South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA
Beautiful Emerald Bay for Dawn Patrol was a 5:30 AM blast! Then this group photo at 7 AM an more shooting fun.
We had a great time in Bishop, California – It was our first time to participate in the WWPW! Our location was the Laws Railroad Museum. Our leader, Dean Stevens, was great! :)
Greetings from Caracas.
Here are the first pictures from our wonderful walk at Chacao (Caracas, Venezuela, South America)
do we do another one next year? YOU BET!
We had a fantastic walk in Mendoza, Argentina. It was the first walk here and I was very honored to host it. I’m an expat living here, but the locals showed their enthusiasm. We ended up with more than 60 walkers, despite the website’s limit of 50.
We also had a great diversity between hobbyists, amateurs, students, and pros.
Our flickr group is:
And our group photo reached number 250 on Flickr Explore, proving the events enthusiasm. Check out the image here:
Here is the crew from the Loveland, Colorado walk!
Thank you so much, Scott for an incredible experience. I was melting and very wilted as I pulled my 100# Think Tank belt bag stuffed full with gear (hey…I can’t help it. I have baggage–it’s just visible) to my Jeep….but even wilted, I was smilin!
We had a great time. Here is the group photo from Kenosha, WI.
Add my vote to the 4th WWPW!
hi scott,
thanks for another year .
this is a bit, quite a bit, off topic.
d-town on i-tuns is not updating to the latest episode, instead it is ask dave’s last episode.
maybe someone uploaded the wrong one to i-tunes. many of us look forward to all the free and valuable content you guys give us. can you look into it please, i sent an e-mail to the kebly media site but it is still the same.
thank you so much
napp rocks!
I love this many people can get inspired to do something this creative. Maybe there is hope after all.
The tie that binds us!
Thank you for being the impetus for making something ike this happen. This is the third year that I have participated but the first time that I have lead a group. Although my group is small, so is my village. We had a great time, matter of fact we had such a good time we are going to start meeting once a month to share tips and ideas. Again, thanks.
Here is my group photo.
Hey Scott – here’s the group shot from the Chicago Chinatown Photowalk – we had 7 inches of rain come down until just before the walk so we were few in number, but we had fun!
Hi Scott,
Our third photowalk and we had an AWESOME day!
Thank you so much!
I led the walk in Brisbane, Australia. The participants mostly arrived early, and I couldn’t have asked for a better bunch of people. Everyone was so happy to join the walk and really appreciated the chance to meet other photographers.
Here’s our group shot, taken by my husband, Bill Jessep
Hi Scott,
We had a great turnout here in Edmonton. Here is a blog post I put up today which includes a group photograph from one of the Edmonton walks held at the University of Alberta
Photographs from all three walks in Edmonton can be found in our Flickr group at
Hi Scott! We had a great time on our photowalk through Belfast, here in Northern Ireland. Looking forward to seeing photos from the other walks around the world guys. Thanks for putting this together!
Here are the guys and gals from the Belfast Photowalk.
A big thank you to everyone that turned up and got involved. It was great! (Ok. So there was a major power cut in the city not long after the walk finished but hey it was nothing to do with us!! Of course the run on Starbucks coffee may not have helped! :-)
Here is a link to the group shot for our Photo Walk in Northport, New York. Good Time!
Since we only had two walkers I figured an action shot would be better than a staged shot. We had a lot of fun shooting rust at Fouts Garage. Daggett California.
Thanks to all those involved in organizing and seeing the 3rd year go off without a hitch.
Here is the group from Detroit, MI where it was a little (a lot) warm, a little (a lot) wet and a little (really a lot) humid. We had a great time and came away with new friends and some good pics.
Photo Walk in Santiago, Chile
was a raining photowalk but we did it!!
Hey Scott! Thanks for having another WWPW! I’ve lead a group two years now and it was very rewarding and fun. The link to our group photo is here:
Also, our group wants to know what the prize for taking the most photos of frogs in one photowalk is. We probably have thousands!!! Come on, you gotta have some kind of prize for that!!!
Hi Scott, We had a great time in New Bedford, MA. It was so much fun to be part of this “happening” Our group photo: Looking forward to seeing you in Moab in October
A total of 51 walkers walked the walk (ooooh alliteration!) in Peoria, IL. We had a blast. Here’s the picture before we commenced sweating:
The walk was a blast.
I had the greatest group of brave souls…
Our photowalk included a helicopter, Batman, Pirates, historic buildings, and then a couple of hundred zombies…. thats right, zombies.
I guess thats what happens when you mix the Worldwide photo walk with the San Diego Comic Con.
Some photos are starting to trickle in here:
I still need to get mine processed but will have them added to the group soon.
Why wait another year? Why don’t you do one in the fall or winter?
Thank you Scott for all your great teachings. I knew nothing about photography two years ago. I barely knew how to turn on the camera. Everything I learned I acquired by reading your books, your training site, and watching your Dtown videos. This was my first photo walk. My mother and my daughter also participated in the walk. My daughter was soooo excited it was like Christmas morning for her. She’s eleven and now has the photo bug. My group in San Pedro, California was awesome, and our leader Kim planned out a wonderful day. Most importantly, I met some great people I hope to keep in touch with and share ideas. I can’t wait to next year. Thanks again for everything!!
That’s a nice snake :)
Must have been real fun to shoot with so many people. Cool thing. Watching the flickr page now.
Looking forward for the workshop post online.
great time had by all in Reading UK
Group from Charleston WV
Here is the group photo for the walkers in Pocatello, Idaho. We had a great time and some of them (actually most of them) even want to do it again next year. :-)
It’s just amazing when people from different parts of the world shoot the same thing on the same day. So far, I’ve found 3 people (myself, Scott Kelby and a person from Ybor city) who shot pictures of Scarfs on the WWPw day. Here’s my picture:, it includes link to other picture also.
Also, here’s a link to our Milwaukee, Wisconsin Photowalk pictures:
Hi Scott, here’s my group photo from Penang, Malaysia,
Hi Scott, here’s my group photo from Penang, Malaysia,
sorry about the wrong link I posted above, please ignore the link.
Hi Scott,
Just wondering if you have seen this
Some interesting bits and so wondering if you might touch a little on this during the lightroom seminar.
How do I post our group shot from Cannon Beach, Oregon to this blog?
Here is the Stuttgart, Germany, group picture:
We had a great time and wonderful luck with the weather, which cleared up JUST IN TIME to capture beautiful background skies!
We’re going to keep together as a group and do it again in 2011!
I missed the photowalk this year as I was on a long-before-planned vacation. A little while before we left for our vacation, I checked to see if there was going to be one where we were headed – LaCrosse, WI – just for fun. Nothing. Oh well. On Saturday, we happened to be in Riverside Park in LaCrosse and I noticed a group of photographers walking around. I joked to my wife (whom I had told that I would be missing the photowalk) that it would be funny if that was a group from Scott’s Photowalk – as there wasn’t one when I checked. I just checked the map out of curiosity…sure enough, there was a group there.
I am so kicking myself for not at least going over and saying hi. I didn’t want to be a bother (to them or my family). Shoulda coulda woulda.
I had a great time leading my group through the University of Michigan campus. We ended up walking on Sunday because of weather and to avoid the Ann Arbor Art Fair. It was a beautiful day and we had a great group
Can’t wait to sign up to lead a group next year!
Hi Scott! Nice to meet you on our photowalk. Here’s a link to the photos, the second image is what I was taking a picture of on the dock. :)
Better late then never.
Here is a link to our group photo:
And here is a link to our Photo Walk Video!
Hey Scott. Some really nice pictures you posted here. The ones with the snake are simply amazing. How did this happen?! :-)
in Brasov, Romania was great too…. great shots, but some of you have some great lenses, and big…
Beautiful pics; I stumbled onto your page while looking for boa photos. Unfortunately, that gorgeous snake is a Burmese python :)