It’s here!!! Tomorrow in more than 1,100 cities around the world my 3rd Annual World Wide Photo Walk kicks off, and by tomorrow night more than 31,000 photographers around the world will collectively have taken literally millions of photos as part of their local Photo Walks. Just “Wow!
Here are a few last minute Photo Walk tips to make your day a success:
(1) Walk Leaders: Make Sure You Watch my Leader’s Video
If you’re leading a Photo Walk, go to your Leader’s page on the Official Worldwide Photo Walk site and watch my video on how to make your walk a success. There’s some VERY important info in that video, so please make absolutely sure you watch it before your walk.
(2) Get a Group Shot Right at the Beginning
Somebody remember to take a group shot before you head out for your walk (it’ll be much harder to corral everybody after the shoot, so get one right before you head out). Send some to me, and I’ll post ’em on my blog next week.
(3) Don’t miss My Post This Past Tuesday about my Free live online seminar just for walkers!
Next Wednesday at 10:00 am EST I’ll be sharing my Lightroom editing workflow. We’ll email you the password to join my live session, and I’ll be taking your questions live no matter where you are in the world.
(4) This is The Gear I’m Taking on My Photo Walk
I’m walkin’ light this year. I’m going with a Nikon D-300s body with just one lens; the 70-300mm f/4.5 – f/5.6 VR lens. I’ll have my Hoodman Loupe with me; and I’ll be wearing my Rapid Strap camera strap (which I learned about on last year’s walk). It all goes in my Think Tank International Airport rolling bag.
(5) Don’t Forget to Wear Really Comfortable Shoes
You’ll be doing a lot of walking, so make sure you wear shoes that make your feet happy.
(6) Charge all your batteries tonight
Don’t forget to charge your camera batteries, clean your lenses (and sensor), and make sure you’ve got an empty memory card and a back-up.
(7) Go read Dave Cross’ “Photo Walk Ideas” article
If you’re looking for some great ideas, give Dave’s great article a quick read. It’ll increase your chances for a killer shot!
(8) The Most Important Thing Is….
That you all stay safe. Look out for each other on the walk. Drink plenty of water beforehand and during the walk. Keep an eye on your gear at all times. Don’t go into scary-looking areas, traipsing down deserted alleys, or anyplace that looks unsavory. Don’t get distracted by shooting—you don’t want to bump into, or trip over, anything. Get some great shots, and I’ll see you back here on Monday for a recap of the event.
A special thanks to our wonderful sponsors who made all of this happen, and to all the photographers around the world who volunteered to lead walks, and my humble thanks to you all for being a part of his historic photography event.
Can’t wait to see your shots!!!!!! :-)
All my best,
Thanx for giving us the chance to participate in such events … I’ll participate in a photowalk in Boston … wish u all a happy photowalk tomorrow … can’t wait to see all the winning photos …
Take care
I’ll be close by in Lowell Massachusetts.
Check. Check. Check. I’m ready to rock! I’m proud to have 33 (last time a checked) walkers and at least 4, other than myself who are season veteran photogs that can answer any questions.
I did one extra thing by going to Sams Club and bought bottle water at 4.99 per case to bring in a big ice chest. It will be about 98 on Sat here in SC.
I hope everyone has fun and is safe (but I hope we have the big winner :) ).
Can’t think where the idea came for using the 70-300mm lens came from.
It wasn’t from a certain walk around New York with a legendary photographer by chance was it?
Have a good walk and I look forward to seeing the images next week.
Hope the light is kind to you all.
Hah! I was going to say exactly the same thing. ;-) That video was truly inspirational and totally changed what I shot on a recent trip to France.
What video was that? Is it available online?
Hi Scott:
Yup—that’s where it came from. I’m not too old to learn. ;-)
Why don’t you use your D3 like Jay did?
Which RS Strap do you use?
Man, I’m glad you mentioned the RS strap, I forgot I had one!
Can’t wait! It’s our town’s inaugural walk!
The Amsterdam walk was full quite fast.. Maybe I’l stalk em from a distance :P
I can’t see that video in my dashboard!!!
Go to your leader home page and click on “Lead a Walk” button to the right of your photo.
that’s right no video in dashboard…. :/
You can sit back and not do anything for the next 20 years and you continue on. I am inspired.
Whoo-hoo! And here’s to hoping that tropical storm doesn’t affect the Fla., walks.
I agree and have my fingers and toes crossed we get at least some sun.
I can’t wait for my walk here in OKC as well. I was hoping to eat and fellowship with my group afterwards, but my youngest daughter just announced her engagement and wants to have dinner with my sister to discuss details. I will walk, shoot, and then leave to go enjoy an excellent dinner and swim with family. Talk about an excellent way to top of a week.
Scott, thank you very much for getting this walk together. This event means a lot to all of your followers!
As of 9:15 am- the video isn’t in the leader dashboard.
Give it another go now… There was a glitch that kept them from showing up, but it was just fixed.
This is the same video but that was up before, it still does not address the issue of where the walkers need to post the one photo that us leaders will pick from.
Wish I could have been there, or there, or there, well you get the point! Next year, I’m not booking anything for this weekend!
Will each walker get an email on where to load their photos to Flickr? Do they send them to leader to upload? I want to be able to tell them tomorrow. I know there is a worldwide flickr group but just wondering how we will be able to distinguish between each walk,etc. I also think there may be one or two who may not be familiar with Flickr.
I have the same question. Brad posted earlier on the main page that he would have a full explanation of where they post by mid-week. Have not seen it. I have read the walkers will post on the Main Website and we will be able to see them on our Admin site. Then I read they post them on the WWPW10 flicr site. I wish someone would fill us in.
It’s up on the photo walk blog now – (just scroll down)
I can’t wait to go on my 3rd photowalk! With the same leader for the 3rd year in a row.. :)
Of course, I now realize that I’m going to be one tired photographer, since I’ll be up past midnight getting home from a concert, and the walk starts at 5:30 a.m…..but it’s such a cool location (an amusement park) that the tiredness will go away fast!
Hey Scott,
So I am totally dissapointed this year. I have led a photowalk in my city of Cedar Rapids for the last 2 years. Because of a technical issue, the wrong city was chosen for my login, I was told it is unchangeable. I emailed the photowalk team 3 times and never got a reply. I received many emails and FB messages of people that really wanted to sign up from pervious years. It’s to late now, but just thought I’d try and get an answer for all of my unaswered emails and for the bummed people who wanted to do you walk this year.
The Photo Walk tomorrow has gained a lot of attention here in Shanghai. The local expat TV station is going to interview participants and give us a brief mention in the news on what’s happening in Shanghai. As this is the first Photo Walk in Shanghai, and the Expo is going on at the same time it seems like a ‘perfect storm’ of publicity for the city and will give great exposure to photography and events like this one!
We only have 34 participants but include 7 countries, 3 continents, and all brought together to share in a few hours of photography. Tomorrow morning will be very busy for me but I can’t wait to see everyone’s photos and how the media report turns out on the news.
I’m really looking forward to my 1st WWPW. I’m taking part in the Beacon Hill (Seattle) walk. It will be my first real shoot in an urban environment in a long, long time.
I’m bummed to be missing it this year. I had a great time in DC last year with Jeff Revell.
Have fun everyone! I’m looking forward to seeing all the amazing pictures that will be taken that day!
The videos for leaders are now posted on the leader dashboard (there was a glitch that kept them from showing up). Just log in like normal, and that should be the first page you see :)
It’s going to be SO hot tomorrow, over 100F where I live…
Question: Why are these walks held during the hottest part of the year? How about a spring walk or fall walk? I’m in Fort Worth, TX, and it’s just too blasted hot to be walking around the concrete jungle making photos (unless a client is paying me do so).
I’m in Atlanta and certianly agree with your comments about the heat. We had 50 walkers but the heat took its toll. This was my second year as a walk leader and I picked a shady area for a morning walk. Next year I’m picking a route with air conditioning!!!!
Can anybody tell me where and how to set up the Flickr group for walker download? I set one up on my personal account for now and I see links on the worldwide Flickr site. Were we supposed to do this as part of initial set up?
All the info is posted on the Photo Walk blog now
I’ll say it: patience Ken patience.
What’s the official hash tag for tomorrow?
Good luck and tons of fun to everyone attending or leading a walk tomorrow!
It looks like the official website is down… hopefully everything comes back online soon!
I’m leading my first walk and I have a full roster! Double checked my exact route this morning. It’s going to be a great day for a walk through Calgary’s Inglewood neighborhood.
Where can I find Dave Cross’ article? No link. Looking forward to my second walk, and I am taking my 16 year old son this time.
This seems to be the article – Dave Cross’ Ideas for Photowalkers:
merci pour cette journée de convivialité et de partage autour des scènes de vie qui nous sont “habituelles” mais que nous verrons, ensemble, avec un regard nouveau !
Bonne promenade à tous
Rapportez de magnifiques photos
Weather here in China is a challenge but hopefully it will hold out a few more hours. The walkers are all abuz on the Flickr site for the walk. Noticed the photo section of the site is working now, will have to review that after the walk.
I hope everyone has a great day as we are +8 GMT we won’t be the first walkers of the day but we will be resting while the bulk of walking is going on, good luck to all!
Will you guys send us walk leaders and email so that we can send you a group photo? I have participated in many walks, and even led some with my middle school students. This never ever ever gets old and a photowalk is such a great event. Thank you guys for doing this for the 3rd year in a row and I hope it continues for many many years to come. At some point I hope to hit you guys up about my Educational venture to encourage walkers around the world to consider allowing some of their images to be used for Educational purposes.
Thanks again and make some great photos tomorrow!!
Looking forward to leading my second walk in beautiful Kissimmee, Florida. I’m close to full which is about double the number of people from last year. I am so pumped. Just how it is not totally storming when my walking is going on.
Looking forward to leading my second walk in beautiful Kissimmee, Florida. I’m close to full which is about double the number of people from last year. I am so pumped. Just hope it is not totally storming when my walking is going on.
No!!! Massive rain storm! Thunder and lightning, monsoon-like rain. We are sunk :(
Bad weather shots are AWESOME ! Go SHOOT !
Hold umbrellas for each other – trade off…
I’m expecting a very small turnout for 100+ degree weather during summer break in Granada, Spain. Sad too, that I have 4 models arranged to accompany us and very few photogs. I think most people aren’t coming because the posters were only available in English so it appeared to be an event for foreigners.
Next time, please let us know ahead of time so we can assist you in coming up with a less Anglo-centric promotional package. The posters need to be editable with some description as to what a photowalk is, the press release needs to be translated and a more eye-catching logo should be used. This one from a last year was SO much better.
i live in boston how do i sign up if i can for today for the photo walk
Hi Scott
Thanks for the tips, as a walk leader I really appreciate them. Also, i was thinking, its great to see all the walkers photos, but we never see the leaders photos. I am suggesting that it might be a good idea to allow the leaders to post their “best of the day” somewhere, not for prizes or anything like that, just to see what they got on the day too. Dont know if this is possible, but might be something for next year!
Thanks again!
We had a great walk!! Here is the link to our walk Flickr Group:
Good shot Ken! Can’t wait to see your group’s images. Heat index of 106 down in Roswell, GA at 11am! I think we all lost like 20lbs. today. In my case, I can use the weight loss. :-)
We were done by 11:15am but it was a bit hot. Our index got up to 122!
Updated Photo:
It was really hot but our walk in New Jersey was a great time.
Baltimore finished their walk just in time to watch temps soar above 100. Wow, it was hot, but we had an awesome time!
Um, I was on the walk with you in Tarpon Scott. I went to post my photos on the link and had to try to join as I dont use flicker. For some reason though I typed my birthday as being in 1970 whenever I get to the end of the form and hit submit it tells me to get my mom and dad as I am too young to have an account! Has anyone else had this happen I would really like to post my phots!
Here’s our group photo:
Greetings from Mobile Alabama!
We had a lovely day photographing and send our thanks to Scott and crew for putting on this shindig.
Our group photo . . .
Best wishes to all who partcipated!
Stephen Savage
Our group photo . . .
We had a great time in St. Cloud, MN. Here is our group photo: .
Thanks, April
Hello from the sunny Shetland Islands, perhaps one of the most notherly photo walks this year? :-) Unlike last year the weather was kind to us and everyone had a great time.
Thanks to Scott, Brad and the rest of the team for organising such a brilliant event. Hey, I even managed to get interviewed by Radio Shetland! The reporter was so impressed that she instantly signed up and did a follow up to be aired next week :-)
All the best.
We had a great time at the St. Louis (Forest Park & Zoo) PhotoWalk. The temps were hot and humid in St. Louis, so the quick hop into the penguin house was even more appreciated! It didn’t slow us down! We enjoyed a nice gathering at the end and even got to check out some awesome photos taken by participants. I appreciate all of the wonderful people who joined me on Saturday morning at the zoo. What a great day!
Our group photo:
Our Flickr group:
Our group photo from Alton, Ontario (the Caledon Ontario walk)
Hi Scott, I’m leader for the second year, and every time I’m really happy to share whit a lot of people whit the same passion !
Our group photo from PARIS, FRANCE
Great shot Eloy (I want to be in your walk next year :) )
Yesterday evening I was helping our walk leader to sort out the best photo upload steps when I ran across a bug in your site. The photo that I uploaded was a 3:2 proportion, but when it made the thumbnail it came out square which is not the crop that I wanted (i.e., no crop). I believe that even though the image comes out correctly when the thumbnail is clicked, the gallery should always present the images at their proper ratio and intended crop. Is it possible to fix this before the final judging is done by the group leaders?
BTW This was a fun event for everyone that attended. Thanks for the opportunity to participate. Most of our group was also attending Gavilan College’s Institute for Digital Media in Entertainment and Education. To top off our experience a news editor from a local paper interviewed us for an article with photos about our walk.
Good luck choosing the winners,
I’m old but not grumpy. However, I’m here to grump! I Tried to upload my entry today July 31, 2010. Followed all of the steps and was met with a window that said that the deadline was past. Huh?
I looked through the site and it said that the deadline was July 31, 2010. No time hack, just July
31. Hope this is not an East Coast Bias. Hey it is still the 31st on the East Coast too. (ok, that was a bit snide)
Realistically, I have no, nada, zilch, null-set or diddle divided by squat of winning anything but the 31st is the 31st, eh?
I’m guessing I will not be the only grump you hear from.