Hi Gang: We're around 60-days or so away from the biggest Photoshop event on the planet:The Photoshop World Conference and Expo (in Las Vegas on Sept 4-6 at the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino), and if you're going (and I hope that you are), here are the sessions I'm teaching (there are over 100+ sessions but I hope you'll check out a couple of mine while you're at the conference).
Designing With Type for Photographers
(Wed., Sept 4th, 12:00 noon)
Bad type can ruin a really great photo and in this session, I'm going to show you how to create photo book covers, posters, web graphics and more and how to have your type really compliment your work, rather than destroy it. You'll learn everything from the basics of typography including which fonts to use, when, and why, and how to create simple, beautiful-looking designs (it's easier than you'd think). This class will change the way think about, and use type and photos together from this point on.
Creating Your Own Custom Photo Book in Lightroom 5
(Thurs., Sept 5th, 12:00 noon)
In this session, updated to include the new photo books features added in Lightroom 5, you'll learn how to create beautiful photo books from right within Lightroom 4 itself. You'll see the entire workflow, step-by-step and exactly how to create your own custom books the easy way. There are lots of little inside tips, tricks, and time-saving techniques that you'll learn that will make creating photo books one of the most-fun, easy, and enjoyable parts of your photographic journey.
Portrait Retouching Techniques for Photographers
(Fri., Sept 6th, 1:00 pm)
Learn professional portrait retouching techniques for photographers from the guy who literally wrote the book (hey, that's me!). You'll learn my latest portrait retouching techniques and the fastest, most efficient, and most realistic-looking retouches for anyone who shoots portraits, and need to spend less time behind the computer and more time making images.
Now, if those three sessions from me aren’t enough reason (and honestly, they probably aren’t, right?), check out the quick video below that gives you 10 actually compelling reasons. ;-)
If you're going, I hope to see you in one of my classes. If you haven't signed up yet, it's not too late: Here's the link.
Also, we've designed this year's event to have Seven very distinct FULL training tracks, so you can pretty much pick what you want to learn and get immersed in that topic for the entire conference, every day, all day long if you like (for example, if you're into Lightroom, you can take Lightroom classes every day all day â” it's like its own separate Lightroom conference within a conference. Same thing with Lighting, or graphic design, or business, and so on).
I put together a short video (below) that describes this "Seven Conferences in One" concept. Hope to see you in Vegas in September.
Hey Scott,
Posts like this get me amped up for Vegas. I can’t wait. All I’m waiting on is the calendar pages to turn.
See you soon my friend!
Designing With Type for Photographers
This course in itself would be worth the price of admission for me! Scott, I truly hope you will produce such a course for Kelby Training Online.
(Unfortunately, work, distance and expense mean it would be a dream come true for me to attend a PSW.)
Having my #2 cataract surgery the week before Vegas but I’ll see y’all in Atlanta!!
While the content is the thing that brings me there, the face to face meetings with friends made there and on G+ make it an ink-not-pencil entry on my calendar going forward indefinitely.
Can’t wait.
I’m sorry that I missed your “Designing with Type for Photographers” class in Orlando this year, Scott. I heard it was fantastic! I was so absorbed in the Business track that I could only make my way to a few other track classes. Anyway, I can only make 1 conference per year and I choose to attend on the East Coast. So, I hope you’ll do that class in ATL or, as someone else suggested, do a KT online class.