Picking up where Part One left off, and just barely in time for the Holidays, here’s “Scott’s Gonzo Holiday Gear Guide, Part 2” chock full of more cool Holiday gear (featuring stuff I couldn’t fit in the printed version, which appeared as the December cover story in Photoshop User magazine).
Epson Photo Paper
This is one of those gifts that every photographer is tickled to get because it’s they’re always either running out of photo-quality paper, or they’re really careful about rationing it, because they’re relatively expensive. Give them a pack of nice 13×19″ photo paper (provided they have an Epson 1900 or 2800, or 2880), and now they have the luxury of printing a few extra sheets without cutting into their stash. Try either a 50-sheet pack of the 13×19″ Epson Premium Luster for around $88 at Amazon.com or if this is for someone really special go for 25 sheets of the Exhibition Fiber Paper for around $90 from Amazon. Either will be a hit.
A Gift Subscription To Digital Photo Pro Magazine
I love this magazine, and I really look forward to every issue. Very well written, and it always has a lot of inspiring images. It’s aimed more at the pro photographer, but there’s lot in there for nearly everyone. It’s a great value too, with their 1-year (7 issues) gift subscription going for around $20 (US). Here’s the link.
The ‘Best Camera’ iPhone App and the Book “Best Camera” by Chase Jarvis
This is a one-two punch that’s aimed at any photographer with an iPhone. First, the App is called “Best Camera” (designed by famous photographer Chase Jarvis) and it’s fantastic. It looks and works like something Apple would have designed themselves, and it’s one of the only photo Apps I use these days. The book “The Best Camera is the one that’s with you” is a collection of Chase’s own iPhone photography, and once you see what can be done with just an iPhone, it’s really inspiring. For the App part of this deal, just buy a $15 iTunes Store gift certificate (here’s the link), which will even leave enough for them to buy a few songs, since the App itself is only $2.99. Then, buy the book, which sells for around $15 at Barnes & Noble or Amazon.com. They will totally dig this two-part gift.
Vision Mongers by David DuChemin
This is the latest book I’ve been reading, which is a book about the business of photography, and it gives great insights (including interviews with several very successful famous photographers), and it’s perfect for anyone on your gift list that really wants to make a go of photography for a living. Very well done. You can find it at Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, or any major bookseller.
Magnetic Photo Rope
We have these in our offices and we LOVE ’em! You just tack one of these 58″ long cables to the wall, and tiny magnets hold your photos to the cable (it’s really brilliantly designed when you see it). Everybody always comments on them, and best of all, they’re really inexpensive, at only $12 each (nice discounts if you buy more than one). From the very cool folks at Photojojo.com.
Elinchrom Ranger Quadra Location Lighting Kit
If you really want to blow somebody away, nothing says I love you like a really awesome lighting kit, and this my friends, is really awesome. It’s the Ranger Quadra from Elinchrom, and this is the same one we use at NAPP HQ and we love it so much now we’re not sure how we lived without it. It’s two flash heads and an incredibly small, lightweight battery pack giving you studio quality light anywhere. Incredibly compact, really great stuff. By the way, incredibly great really compact stuff doesn’t come cheap. The two-light kit I recommend is around $2,175 over at B&H Photo (hey, I had to have at least one mega-gonzo gift on here, right?). Here’s the link.
Lastolite Kickerlite
I talked about this one earlier this year and it rocks because instead of just reflecting light (like a standard reflector), you mount a strobe on it, and then you have full control over light that would have just be reflecting, so you get coverage, and a wonderful glow for your subject, that’s just hard to beat. It’s really compact, and not too expensive, at around $207 at B&H Photo. Here’s the link.
Well folks, that’s it for some last-minute Gonzo Gear you can probably still snag before Christmas. Hope Santa brings you one of each. :-)