Once again, KelbyOne Members all over the world sent in entries, and these entries keep getting better and better, which makes the judging harder and harder. Nevertheless, we found an incredible photographer to honor with this own solo gallery show opening, and we’re excited to announce that our latest winner is UK-based photographer/Photoshop artist:
Ian Munro
Ian (and a guest of his choice) will be flown to Tampa, Florida to be there for the wine and cheese reception celebrating his own solo gallery show at “The Gallery at KelbyOne.” (Note: If you’re like “What’s this whole gallery thing?” check out this quick Q&A)
Ian’s fine art conceptual storytelling and his masterful post processing style really captivated the judges. We kept coming back to his images again and again, because of their understated humor, wonderful composition, and an overall sense of taking you to a fanciful, peculiar, and distinctively different time and place.
One thing we’re really excited to see is how amazing Ian’s images look printed big on the walls of the gallery (the images are printed using Bay Photo Lab‘s ‘Xpozer’ system for exhibition printing, and Ian’s images are going to rock printed in this medium).
You’re invited to Ian’s gallery opening:
7:00 pm on Friday, March 16th at the Gallery at KelbyOne (in the Tampa, Florida area).
Immediately following the reception, we’ll move into the theater where we’ll be broadcasting a live 1-hour interview (hosted by Larry Becker) with Ian at 8:00 pm ET that evening (streamed live and open to everyone).
More details and a link to RSVP as we get closer to the opening.
I want to once again recognize my awesome wife Kalebra for coming up with this idea of honoring, uplifting and celebrating the work of the talented photographers, illustrators and artists in the KelbyOne community by providing them with added recognition and a new audience to enjoy their work. Who knows what doors this could open, and I’m thrilled we get to be a small part of it all.
Congratulations Ian – we can’t wait to share your fun, fascinating storytelling images with the world. :)
Ian Munro is a great photographer! Really excited to see the gallery.
Congratulations Ian,