Order Your Official Photo Walk T-Shirt Today!


These babys will be collector’s items in about five days, so orders your right away.

We’re close to breaking last year’s t-shirt sale figure, and that matters big time because of course 100% of the profits go to feeding and caring for the kids at the Springs of Hope Orphanage in Kenya (the one the readers of this blog helped build from the ground up last year).

Here’s the link to order yours today. The shirts are cool, and helping the kids is even cooler.

  1. Hi Scott,
    I do have my shirt. I didn’t buy one last year and was very dissapointed that I didn’t. I am extremely impressed with the quality of the material and silk screening done to produce this shirt especially since the proceeds go to charity.
    SEe ya in 6 weeks!

  2. Hey Scott,
    I felt like Cafe Press did such a great job on the T-shirt that I bought a special order from them with my design for PhotoshopWorld. You will definately see it there. Can’t wait to wear it through Mandalay Bay with a one-of-a-kind t-shirt. That is unless Cafe Press shares the design which I wouldn’t mind at all if they did.

  3. Hey Scott,
    I felt like Cafe Press did such a great job on the T-shirt that I bought a special order from them with my design for PhotoshopWorld. You will definately see it there. Can’t wait to walk through Mandalay Bay with a one-of-a-kind t-shirt. That is unless Cafe Press shares the design which I wouldn’t mind at all if they did.

  4. Hi.. I ordered the T shirt last month,,, I received an email that it will arrived here by Sept. 10. But until now I did received it… I tried to email  
    shipconfirm@cafepress.com but it is a wrong email.. 

    Please let me know who to contact about my order. 

    Thank you so much. 

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