This is a shot I took of the Nubble Lighthouse in York, Maine taken on Friday during a daytime scouting shoot (click on it for a larger view). I broke ‘the golden rule of landscape photography’ by shooting in the middle of the day, but remember; this was just a scouting shoot to see if I could find a decent location to shoot the Lighthouse from. If I came up with a decent shooting spot, I would drive back and shoot it again another day in either at dawn or dusk, (but since dawn here is around 5:13 am and I’m on vacation…it would definitely be a dusk shoot).
Because of the cloud cover that day, the light wasn’t too harsh, but every time I look at that shot, I think to myself “Boy, if I had just shot that in good light….” Anyway, we had planned to head back up there Sunday for the reshoot (about 45 minutes from here), but a thunderstorm moved in around 1:00 pm that just wouldn’t go away, so that shoot was totally out. Maybe the weather will cooperate today. Either way—who cares—I’m on vacation. Whoo Hooo! :)
Please scroll down for another lovely post (how’s that for a formal sounding request)?