Photographing New York City’s Morgan Library

When I was up in New York for Photo Plus Expo, one morning I got a chance to do a shoot at the incredible Morgan Library and Museum an hour before they open the doors to the public. I usually share stuff like this on storytelling site “” but this time I used the just introduced Web-editing feature of “Adobe Slate.”

Here’s the link to my shots (including behind-the-scenes shots and camera settings):

You all have read my reviews of Adobe’s free visual storytelling app back when it was called “Project Luca” (link), but up to this point you had to build your story using the App itself (now called Adobe Slate) — now you can build your story online, and view it either online or within the App, and I have to say — they did a beautiful job on the Web editing part of it. Very well thought out and designed from the ground up. Cheers to the Slate development team, who I’ve been pretty hard on in the past.  I have to give them their due on this Web implementation and on how the Slate App itself has grown and matured.

Hope you all kick off your week in a great way today. :)



P.S. I’m in the Detroit area with my full-day seminar this week on Wednesday. Come out and spend the day with me if you can.

  1. As usual Scott, great shots of the interiors. BTS are really helpful. Just a note though, I don’t think that Adobe slate renders your shots as nicely as exposure. Just my humble opinion. I still really enjoyed the story :)

  2. Beautiful, rich and vibrant photos. Thanks for the “tour” of the Morgan and the idea of beginning my own series of indoor photos of special building and churches.

  3. I love this Scott. This has to be one of the most beautiful posts ever! I really like the way the images open up into the screen as you scroll through!!!

    1. I shot everything but the monopod shots as three exposures just in case (the shutter speed was too slow on the monopod shots), and in some cases I combined them in Lightroom (no third party plug-ins or software). Just depends on the image, but when you combine them in Lightroom, the image looks almost identical to the regular exposure but perhaps 1/2 stop brighter (if that). Other than that – it looks the same, but you get less noise when you open up the shadows, which is pretty much the only major advantage as far as I can tell. Hope that helps. :)

  4. Gorgeous work, as always, Scott! Glad you were able to find your way around Slate on the web. It has been a fun first six months for Slate, and we are just getting started. If you, or any of your readers, have questions or suggestions, please feel free to reach out to me on Twitter @briannemhauser

    Looking forward to your next post!

    1. Thanks Brian – I’m really impressed with what your team has done with Slate. It keeps getting better and better, and your 1.0 implementation of the Web editing feels more like a 3.0. Very well done to you and your team. Can’t wait to do my next post, myself. :)

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