Photoshop Tip: What To Do If Your Tools Are All Screwed Up

Hi gang, and happy Monday. It’s going to be a great week! :)

Just a quick tip today, but the thing I’m going to show you is pretty hidden, and you’d use it when a tool starts behaving differently than it usually does. You might have a made a change to a setting up in the Options Bar the last time you were you using Photoshop, and you can’t remember which setting you changed that’s now causing it to act wonky. If that happens, here what ya do:

Above: Look up at the Options Bar up top. On the very far left you see an icon of the tool you currently have selected. You see that little down-facing arrow to the immediate right of it? If you click that, any tool presets you have for that tool pop-down in a menu (as shown here, but I don’t’ have any tool presets for the Move tool, but the menu pops down either way). However, there’s something hidden here.

Above: If instead, you hold the Command-key on Mac (Ctrl-key on PC), instead you get a pop-up menu with two options: (1) Reset Tool. That resets all of the settings back to their default for just the currently selected tool (in this case, I have the Healing Brush selected, so it resets the Option Bar settings for just that one tool). If you choose ‘Reset All Tools’ it does just what it says — it resets every tool back to its factory fresh default setting (and just know if you need to choose this one, you musta really messed up somethin’ big time!). :-)

Anyway, just a quickie but I know some folks who could get a lot out of resetting a tool or two.

Did you catch ‘The Grid” last Wednesday?
It’s my weekly photography show, and last week my guests were my awesome wife Kalebra and our in-house producer Jen Coffin, and our topic was “How to produce your next shoot.” Jen and Kalebra had some great insights, and I shared my own workflow for setting up a location shoot.  If you’ve got a few minutes, I’ve embedded that episode above (you can let it play in the background while you do other stuff, ya know…like work). ;-)

Here’s wishing you a great week, and that it starts off with a much better than usual Monday!



P.S. I’m about 11 days from my being in Minneapolis with my “Lightroom On Tour” full-day seminar. I’m in Indy four days later. Tickets and info here. 

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