Hi Everybody! Sorry we had to experience “No Blog Thursday,” but it was just crazy yesterday (absolutely a blast, but still crazy). Later today I’m going to try and toss up some photos (I only have one class to teach today; Photoshop Down & Dirty Tricks, so my schedule isn’t as crazy).
Yesterday we kicked things off with the opening keynote, and this year we had a Motown Theme, which featured a live performance from that fictitious 1960s Motown singing group, “Scott Kelby & the Histograms.” Then we made some major announcements about NAPP (scroll down to the next posts for that), and then Adobe’s John Loiacono gave a very cool presentation, which included a sneak peek at the new online version of Photoshop, called Photoshop Express. John Nack (who’s here at the show), has a post on this blog today about the sneak peek, with a screen cap of the app, so check it out right here.
After the keynote, we headed off the first conference sessions, and then at 1:00 pm we opened the expo floor and it was just jammin! At 5:00 pm we taped an “All Tips” live episode of Photoshop User TV from the Kelby Training booth on the Expo floor, then we wrapped that up and headed to the ESPN Zone at the New York New York Casino & Resort for our private attendee party, where my band “Big Electric Cat” played a live set (photo above from David Ziser), and everybody was dancin’, drinking, and having a ball. It was the perfect way to end the first day. (UPDATE: Check out David Ziser’s “Digital ProTalk” blog for photos of Big Electric Cat during last night’s ESPN Zone party, and shots from his on location wedding shoot pre-conference workshop).
Today the conference gets into full swing, with conference sessions running all day, and the public is allowed onto the Expo floor. I haven’t had to chance to get over the Nikon meeting room to check out the new D3 and the D300 yet, but hope to today. I did get a chance to hold some of the new Canon gear, but haven’t shot anything with it yet.
I did a quick live demo (On Photoshop User TV) of the Really Right Stuff wedding flash bracket I talked about last week here on the blog, as their booth was just two aisles over from our stage, so I went over and borrowed one for the show. Also, Wacom released a new, very cool all-black special edition tablet that was way cool, and I showed that on the show as well.
Check back later today and hopefully I’ll either have photos to post, or my Web team will have posted some shots on the Photoshop World site.
For the NAPP announcements, scroll down to the next post.