Jeff Revell over at PhotoWalkPro had a post last week that left me speechless. It was a series of ads for the Cape Times newspaper (in Cape Town, South Africa) that showed photos taken the day before tragic losses of human life. The one above, from that series, has the caption, September 10, 2001 (I’m showing it here in US date format). The series had a number of different images, and it’s worth taking a moment to see these powerful images and what they represent. Kudos to Jeff for uncovering this (here’s the direct link).
Taken “The Day Before…”
Scott Kelby Author
Scott is a Photographer, bestselling Author, Host of "The Grid" weekly photography show; Editor of Photoshop User magazine; Lightroom Guy; CEO; struggling guitarist. Loves Classic Rock and his arch-enemy is Cilantro. Devoted husband, dad to two super awesome kids, and pro-level babysitter to two crazy doggos.
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Tuesday News Nuggets (including my pick for Photoshop Book of the Year)
February 12, 2008
3 minute read