Yesterday, we looked at our readers Top Five most-commented on guest blog posts. Today we’re going to celebrate 5 Guest Blog posts that totally rocked (and were totally under-rated), but didn’t get the comments (but they’re so good I felt they deserved special recognition). Here we go (in no particular order):
Corey Lack
If you ever felt that what was keeping you from making great images was equipment (or the lack thereof), you’ll definitely want to read Corey’s take on this. It’s a frank, refreshing look at a topic that a lot of folks struggle with. Very well written (and lots of great images). Here’s the link to his Guest Post.
Courtney Dailey
Besides some wonderful images, Courtney delivered some straight up great business advice about licensing your images, and her no-nonsence advice on the business side of photography should be required reading for every new pro (or anybody who wants to go pro). Here’s the link to her Guest Post.
Jacob Slaton
I love posts that challenge you, inspire you, push you, inform you, and still find a way to share some great images, and that’s why I love Jacob’s Guest Post. Really well done, and if you take the time to read it, you’ll be glad you did. Here’s the link to his post.
Stacy Pearsall
Stacy is one of the most inspiring photographers out there today — not just because of her wonderful images, but her personal story, and the stories of the people’s lives she captured are both very special. Her project will tug at your heart strings, but it’s worth it. Here’s the link to her Guest Post.
Leo Trevino!
It’s kind of a sad story, but it’s one that every photographer should read, for more reasons than one. He shared his heartbreaking story to help us, and how they persevered from a really bad situation is actually very inspiring. Make sure you read to the end – there’s some very good hard-earned advice there we all need to hear. Here’s a link to his Guest Post.
My thanks to all my guest bloggers, and a special thanks to these five unsung heroes. I hope you’ll give them a look.
More to come on Friday in our “Best of the Blog in 2015.” :)
Good morning Scott,
I still come here everyday, so thank you for your wonderful blog. I appreciate your time and effort.
I am wondering about the comments on this blog. The number of comments seemed to have taken a complete nosedive since the latest redesign. I don’t know if I’m imagining things though regarding the correlation between the redesign and the number of comments. Whereas there used to be 20-80 comments on some posts, there are now typically 0-10. Even the Thursday giveaways don’t generate much. What happened to Ken Toney?!
Are there tons of comments that I’m not seeing due to some settings or something? Are there a ton more on the administrator side of this blog?
In any event, I still love visiting this site every day, but something has changed. Perhaps this is even more true in some of the guest blogs you mention in this post?
Thank you for all of your hard work. Respectfully,
Mark R.
Eh, maybe I was just imagining the number of comments. I just randomly checked a bunch of random dates in the past, and the numbers weren’t as high as I thought, but there were quite a few posts that generated 60-90 comments, which is rare these days.
Maybe we need a post about why the iPad Pro is a zillion times better than the MS Surface, especially when you wear an Apple watch to bed while telling adobe to change their subscription models and no longer support raw images (only DNG2 of course) to generate some interest. ;)
-Mark R.