The Photography Show

It’s #TravelTuesday and I, Dave Williams, am here as always with a little something from the world of travel, photography, and Photoshop.

Over here in the UK, things are turning more and more “normal” as we move out of the age of the ‘rona. Here, I am with International wedding photographer extraordinaire, Peter Treadway, and KelbyOne instructor Dave Clayton.

The show was missing a few players, particularly noteworthy being the American contingent, but most major brands were represented. Front and centre at the entrance was Nikon, with the UK and Nordic branch showing off the latest tech and the Nikon School demonstrating techniques, and as you walk through the aisles there’s a clear emphasis on space and hygiene throughout.

The queues at the Canon stand were ever-present, with a couple of demo models of the new EOS R3 available to try out. I had to do it, despite shooting Nikon, and I have to say I was very impressed with what I saw. The 30fps continuous and eye control for focus point selection are the key features, and very impressive they both are.

The Photography Show and The Video Show are placing a clear emphasis on education, with a lot of live stages available both paid and free, which is great because although the exhibitors are there to sell gear there’s a much larger audience out there wanting to learn how to best use that gear to make their investment worthwhile. I was fortunate enough to be speaking twice in the Masterclass Theatre, then on the Editing and Post Production Stage, and I loved how receptive the audience was and how, again, everything felt like it was going back to normal.

The return of live events is great to see, and here’s to many more!

Much love


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