I’m Dave Williams and this is #TravelTuesday on ScottKelby.com—the moment you’ve, undoubtedly, been waiting for all week, right? Well, I’m afraid today is going to be a bit disappointing. Today is going to be very, very boring…
Today, I want you to take on a photo challenge. Today, I want you to take something very boring and make it look very interesting. It’s as simple and as complicated as that!

Photography is something all of us here have in common. Photography is the thing that brings us all together, removing our differences. I’d love to see how we can all come together to share inspiration and learn from each other in taking a boring, mundane, everyday, commonplace object or scene, and put our artistic spin on it to make it something interesting.
If you’re up for the challenge, I would love to see what you shoot. So, if you post it on Instagram or Twitter, be sure to use the hashtag #BoringScott so the entire community can see it.

Taking on photo challenges or projects is a fantastic way to learn, develop, and stay energised as a photographer. This particular challenge has its own set of hurdles in that we often look to capture something beautiful and show it in its best light. What’s happening here is that we may have to create that “best light” in order to show off the boring subject. I realise also that each of us will have a different perception of what is boring. What’s boring for some may not be so boring for others, and it will be interesting to see these differences.
If you’re looking for a new challenge, a new project, or something to reignite your passion during the pandemic, this challenge is perfect. You didn’t get that camera to let it collect dust. You got it to learn what it does, how it does it, and make awesome art. Only boring people get bored, as they say. Play with perspective, pick out details, look for patterns, seek symmetry, or just find the boredom around you and find out what’s defining it. I wish you luck!
Much love