Lots of Lightroom stuff today:
- I did a little video clip to give readers some insights into my new Lightroom book (what makes it different, the format, etc.) and the cool thing is my Web dept. embedded the video right within a static banner so you can watch it right on the same page (it works cooler than it sounds). So, to watch it, go to PlanetPhotoshop.com, then you’ll see the square banner on the right side of the page, and it has a button on it called “Watch Video Intro.” Click that button, and you don’t go to a different page—the video clip plays right there. Check it out.
- Saw this post in the Canon digital photography forum, about a NAPP member who just got his first issue of “Darkroom” (our new magazine for Adobe Lightroom users). Read his post here.
- The Los Angeles stop for my new Lightroom Tour was sold out, but yesterday we contacted the LA Convention Center, and they were able to move us to a larger room, so we can now comfortably accommodate more people. We’ll have nearly 700 people for the seminar, which just gives you an idea of how popular Lightroom has become, even though version 1.0 is just over a month or so old. I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone there! (By the way, the next steop for my Lightroom Tour is in Boston, Mass. For details, or to register, click here.)
- I’ve been getting emails all week from people who have received my new Lightroom book from Amazon.com, which is big relief to me (thanks to everybody for being so patient). Anyway, as an author, I can tell you there is nothing authors want more than to get our books in the hands of readers, so I can tell you all those emails really made my day. :-)