First, thanks to everyone who commented on my “accidental guest blog” yesterday. It was nice to see that I’m not the only one who has experienced it, and I’m not the only one it drives crazy. :)
Now, onto the news:
- We’re just TWO days away from my Worldwide Photo Walk, and as I write this we have 7,297 people signed up to walk on Saturday. I am just blown away!!! Hey—it’s not too late to join us (here’s the link to see if there’s a city hosting a walk near you). Hope you can make it!
- On a related note; participants who are walking in San Jose, California probably don’t realize it, but their walk leader, Frederick Johnson, just happens to be Adobe’s Lighroom Sr. Product Marketing Manager - Professional Photography (he’s also the guy who ponied up the 10 copies of Lightroom for runners up, and the full Creative Suite for the Grand Prize!). If you’re signed up for that walk—make sure you high-five Frederick for me!
- I’ve had a number of questions relating to a post I did last week about shooting tethered, and the question is; what is that stand you’re using for your laptop on location? I actually use two stands:
- When I want to go really light, I use an incredibly portable laptop stand Larry Becker turned me on to from the SkyMall catalog (the one you find in the seatback pocket on airplanes). It’s called the Lizell QuickStand Workstation Plus, which I found at for $139.
- The other is a heavy duty Bogen Double-Head Support Arm with a Gitzo G065 13×15.5-Inch laptop platform attached. I learned about this dynamic duo from Joe McNally, and though it’s not really heavy, it is heavy duty (but it is a lot larger to carry around). However, it’s built so your laptop sits on one side of the arm, and you can put a ballhead on the other end to hold your camera. Here’s the link to the Double-Head support, and Here’s the link to the Platform at B&H Photo.
- On Tuesday I showed how one of our London Leaders got some nice radio play for his PhotoWalk on BBC radio. Well, one of our leaders in Hawaii, my friend Jo Evans, got the write-up you see above in the local Hawaii island newspaper. You guys are doing a great job of spreading the word!!! (No wonder we have more than 7,000 walkers!). Way to go, Jo!
- Every single week we launch one or more new online training courses at, and last week we released two classes: (1) Digital Arsenal from NAPP’s Executive Director Larry Becker, which is essentially a class that teaches you how to deal with the most common digital photography problems in Photoshop, (link), and (2) The Business Side of Photography, from well-known photographer, author and instructor Rick Sammon (link). This week, we just released “Photographing Florida Birds” with legendary wildlife photographer Moose Peterson (link).
- Lastly, I did an interview with my Book Publisher, Nancy Aldrich-Ruenzel (at Peachpit Press) about my new book, “The Lightroom 2 Book for Digital Photographers“ and we talked about this weekend’s Worldwide Photowalk, and some other stuff. The interview is up online now, and you can listen right here.
That’s it for today, gang. I’ll be back tomorrow with a weekend wrap-up, and some last words about the PhotoWalk. I can’t wait!!!! :-)