Thursday News Stuff (and something cool is coming tomorrow!)


Hi gang. Before we get going, how ’bout a round of applause for Jay Maisel’s inspiring Special Guest Post yesterday! I was just so tickled to have Jay as a guest blogger here, and I know that a lot of you that are going to Photoshop World are now going to make it a point to check out Jay’s session live. I guarantee—-it will move you! Thanks Jay, for honoring us with your words and images.

Now, onto the news:

  • Something Cool is Coming Tomorrow
    If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’ve got to check back here tomorrow because I’m going to release something that I hope you’ll find really cool. It’s definitely something unique, it’s Photoshop related, and best of all—it’s totally free! I can’t wait to share it with you, so check back here tomorrow when all the pieces are in place.
  • 10 Annoying Things Photographers Say to Each Other
    I saw this on Paul Burwell’s”Wildshots” blog and it cracked me up (mostly because so many of his 10 things are so ‘on the money).” If you’ve got two minutes, give this a read. It’s either going to crack you up, or you’re going to think, “Oh no! I’ve said that same thing!” (NOTE: After you jump over there, if you see any that are missing, feel free to post ’em here as a comment).  Here’s the link to the article.
  • My iPhone Book is now availble on Kindle for the iPhone
    It doesn’t get any more convenient than this—-my book, “The iPhone Book” (co-authored with top iPhone guru Terry White), is now available for download to your iPhone itself, using Amazon’s free Kindle for iPhone app (here’s the link to the app). That way, you’ve got the inside tips on how to get the most from your iPhone right on your iPhone. Anyway, I was kind of psyched. It sells for $9.99 on (that’s for the book, the reader is free). NOTE: A new review just went up on the book over at the iReviewiPhoneApps blog. Here’s the link to the review.
  • Creative Photography and Photoshop Work
    Check out the work of photographer Kate Turning at her “Turning Pix” site which features some amazing (and detailed) Photoshop work combined with some first-rate photography. Very cool images and wonderful creativity. Here’s the link.
  • Our Three-Part Free Series on Nikon Wireless Flash
    (with special guest Joe McNally!)

    Today we released this week’s episode of D-Town TV (the weekly show for Nikon DSLR users), and in it we kick off a three-week series on using wireless flash. These three episodes are aimed at folks who are brand new to wireless flash, and we start at square one, so if you’re new to wireless off-camera flash—make sure you check it out. If you’re more advanced at wireless flash, make sure you watch as we have Joe McNally on as a special guest where he shows how to use some of the new features of the Nikon SB-900 wireless flash units. That guy is brilliant! Here’s the link to the first part of our three-part series.

That’s all for today folks. Hope to see you back here tomorrow! :)

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