Hi Gang, and greetings from Savannah, Georgia where last night we kicked off the Great American Photo Workshop that I’m doing with Bill Fortney, . We’ve got 35 photographers here, and tonight we did slideshows and some presentations to get things rolling, and this morning we’re heading out at 5:20 am for a sunrise shoot. Can’t wait!!!! If I get anything decent, I’ll post one tomorrow.
First, before we even attempt to describe what’s happening above, how ’bout some love for my man Vanelli, who came through with a wonderfully informative special guest blog and mini-tutorial yesterday. Way to go, V. You nailed it!!!!
Now, to the photo above. That’s me at 16; a junior in High School playing at a Pep Rally for our football team (so it had to be taken on a Friday). I was playing the coveted “Timbale/Bongo Combo” and we played cadences that the cheerleaders would dance to. The guy standing behind me to the right is Dean Amicone, a great drummer who later wound up playing in my band, once I switched full time to playing keyboards. Hey, I do want to thank you up front for not poking fun at my hair, acne, or Chicago t-shirt (I was a big fan of Chicago’s drummer; Danny Seraphine).
Weird Ironic Thing: So I scanned this photo to take with me up to Savannah to post today, and at our meet and greet last night, one of the students comes up and he’s one of the other drummers in that same high-school drum section. In fact, he was probably standing a few feet from me, playing snare drum, at that exact moment. Eerie! Now, onto the news:
- Catch my Telephone Interview at Photoshop Creative
I did a telephone interview that was recorded live with the Rosie Tanner over at Photoshop Creative magazine in the UK, and the interview is now online. It was taped right after Photoshop World in Boston, and we talked about a wide range of things, and I’m already getting lots of email feedback on it. Here’s the link to listen in. - Something New is Coming Monday from Adobe and GridIron. Get on Their Free Webinar This Monday!
You guys have heard me talk about “Flow” (the amazing software from GridIron, which we featured on Photoshop User TV). Well, this Monday GridIron has got John Nack (Adobe’s Principal Product Manager for Photoshop) on board for a free online Webinar they’re holding as they unveil something new, and you’re invited to attend. Here’s the link with all the details. - My CS4 Book for Digital Photographers is now available on Kindle
No one’s more surprised than me (plus, it’s optimized for the new larger Kindle edition). Here’s the link. - Incredible Workshop Opportunity: Greg Gorman and Katrin Eismann
There are only two spots left for what has to be one of the most fascinating digital imaging workshops of the year, as famed celebrity portrait photographer Greg Gorman, and the Photoshop Diva herself, Katrin Eismann, team up for a workshop out a Greg’s Mendocino, California studio. The students get to work with Greg on shooting, lighting, posing, image processing, printing, and critique. Katrin will be showing Lightroom and helping students with their digital imaging processing. Its a creative powerhouse kick in the pants on personal vision and passion! The workshop is a soup to nuts experience of photography, vision, fine wine, and gourmet meals prepared by Willie the Swiss chef. Here’s the link with the details (this is a workshop I definitely would kill to attend!). - Photoshop World Registration Now Open!
OK, I guess it already opened a few weeks ago, because we not only have hundreds of people already signed up (and the conference isn’t until October), but some of the pre-conference workshops are already selling out in advance. So, come on down to Vegas Oct 1-3 for three career changing days!!! (Note: the Mandalay has cut us some incredible deals on hotel rooms—it’s NEVER been less expensive to come to Photoshop World in Vegas than it is now!!!). Here’s the link to the Photoshop World Web site with all the details, class schedule, instructor roster, etc. Hope to see you there! - Answers to your Tuscany Photos questions:
The font everybody is asking about is called “P22 Cezanne Regular” and it’s from a font studio called “P22.” You can find the font (it’s around $20) right here. Also, I made the photo book using Apple’s free photo app; “iPhoto.” I used the built-in template (Apple calls them Themes) called “Contemporary.” I don’t have the printed copy back yet, but I’ll let you know how the Spiral Bound looks and feels (the regular soft-cover perfect bound one’s I’ve done look just great!). Also, it was asked: “How much was it to rent the Ferrari for the day?” I made my wife promise to never tell me. :)
That’s it for today folks. I’ve got a 5:00 am class landscape shoot, and it’s already really late (or early), so I’ve got to get some shut-eye. Have a really wonderful Thursday and I hope to see you back here tomorrow!