At the request of a bunch of leaders, we have officially EXTENDED the leader upload deadline to this Sunday Night at 12:00 am EDT. So, if you led a photo walk as part of my 4th annual Worldwide Photo Walk, then the deadline for getting your entries in to me for judging is now….Sunday at 12:00 am Midnight EDT.
I’ll be choosing a winner, and 10 finalists from leaders around the world on November 11, 2011. The winner will receive their choice of either a Full Conference Pass to the Photoshop World Conference & Expo or a 1-year Online Subscription, a one-year NAPP membership, and the Full Library of Kelby Books. The 10 Finalists will all receive a 1-year NAPP membership and subscription to Photoshop User magazine.
Here’s how to enter: Simply log in to your leader account at and go to your Photo Walk page. There you’ll find a yellow box with instructions for submitting your best photo to the Leader Contest.
Good luck to all the leaders around the world, and I’m really looking forward to seeing all your entries. :)
Done :)
Hi Scott,
I don’t see the yellow box to upload an image. I just see a box for weeks, where you can change the user-photo that is displayed on the upper left side of the page. It doesn’t say anything about the contest.
I also didn’t receive any E-Mail about the contest and also not about how to order the “Light It. Shoot It. Retouch It.” -book.
Maybe I am not the only one with these problems.
My walk page:
Whoa! Short notice! Can we push it to 4:00? After a late Get In Motion Seminar, that noon is going to be pretty early in the West…
I didn’t receive any advanced notice, either, but that’s not the bad news. The bad news is that my page doesn’t show any way to upload a leader’s picture (same problem as Markus). Any way to help?
Stuttgart-BW is my walk.
Not seeing a yellow box… hmmm…..
goofy wordpress site…. :)
Hey Scott, still no email with voucher to claim the Light it, Shoot it Retouch it books :((( and no response to me previous posts over this.
Also no instructions on my walk page on how to upload an image for the competition, just an option to remove my leaders photo :(((
The walk was Southport, can somebody please help out with this??
I respectfully decline (my pics sucked) 8-)
Ken to Ken, come in Ken, post them anyway, sucking pics didn’t stop me…. lol seriously though, putt’em up (“putt’em up” sounds like a school yard fight… let me change it to Post’em if ya gott’em) and good luck brother you never know until you try. but if you win and by some freak in nature I come in second, you gotta buy me a coke cause that means you took my prize
again good luck
If it helps anyone, I deleted the image of myself (walk leader) and the upload box appeared where my photo was. :)
May be a browser issue, I am using Chrome.
Still no email voucher though :(
That helped!!!
To bad it’s on such short notice, by the the time I get home from work it’s past the deadline.
Did I miss an e-mail announcing this?
My walk page still says there are 3 days to go for the submission of this. Still not received an email about claiming my book. :(
Thanks for putting this together.
Yellow box for upload of photo for Leader competition never appeared. ??
No advanced notice of leader photowalk contest but yellow box available so photo uploaded.
Also, it would seem, that there are still issues with the photowalk winners and leaders receiving their book email, myself included.
I also see no yellow box nor have I gotten any mails since the 29 Oct !
OK I see the yellow box now ! and I’m in
Still, no Mails or voucher however my Walk winner has gotten his so I am grateful
Thanks for bringing this all together , good work all
Photo up-load fixed, thanks.
I have not receive any E-Mail about how to order the “Light It. Shoot It. Retouch It.” book and my walk winner also has not received any info.
I think I took 6 or 7 photos. Too busy making sure my walkers didn’t get lost or run over in traffic…
Done. Like others I haven’t heard about the book yet.
Your pictures are masterpieces!!!
i have the same problems as everyone else above: no email for announcing the contest, and no email for the book…
hate to sound negative, but why isn’t this information posted on the worldwide photo walk home page? it seems the obvious place to put it as that is where most walkers and walk leaders would look. your site is a fine place to look around, but burying photo walk information regarding deadlines, contests, and the such is not a good idea.
my two cents
Got my book today. Thanks Scott.
I haven’t received an email for the book either, and of course I didn’t get the notification for submission of a leader pic.
Alan silver, how did you get your book? I haven’t received any email regarding vouchers on how to claim the book…
How did you get your book? I haven’t received any email regarding vouchers on how to claim the book…
Brunei PhotoWalk Leader 2011-HM Yusof